[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
Large Scale Homogeneity
Large Scale Homogeneity
That is the big mistake done by Bigbang based cosmologies. There
is no uniform density anywhere. There are big voids and huge structures. Mass of
Moon is different from that of SUN, with huge empty spaces in between.
The big bang based cosmologists take the Universe to be
closed and finite with space time continuum. How it is possible then?
Where is uniform density in the Universe , please tell me?
Because of this assumption, you will get Black hole and
Bigbang singularities,
Dynamic Universe Model never uses Uniform density or
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The Redshift-Distance Relationship (You deny this relationship exists, through your own misconceptions about the nature of spectral shift)
The Redshift-Distance Relationship (You deny this relationship exists, through your own misconceptions about the nature of spectral shift)
am sorry, I never said I deny “the
Redshift-Distance Relationship”
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The abundances of lighter elements in the early universe (how does dynamic universe account for this? In a young universe, there is a higher proportion of lighter elements)
The abundances of lighter elements in the early universe (how does dynamic universe account for this? In a young universe, there is a higher proportion of lighter elements)
There is no early universe…
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
Existence of the CMB (Predicted by BB, not possible for the CMB to be star-light, although you deny this through your own misconceptions)
Existence of the CMB (Predicted by BB, not possible for the CMB to be star-light, although you deny this through your own misconceptions)
show me any experiment where BB predicted CMB measured excluding star light….
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The fluctuations in the CMB (predicted for the formation of large scale structure in a young universe)
The fluctuations in the CMB (predicted for the formation of large scale structure in a young universe)
shows universe in not having uniform density
is nothing but star and Galaxy light what you have observed until today. There
are some groupings of stars and Galaxies and some voids. There is no uniform density of the Galaxies. These
Large voids and spikes are observed in CMB, which are excluded by the software…
see the threads in 2007
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The age of stars (nothing found older than the BB prediction for the age of the universe)
The age of stars (nothing found older than the BB prediction for the age of the universe)
found many Galaxies older than BB, you mean these Galaxies don’t have stars?
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The evolution of galaxies (the highest redshift galaxies are strange looking blobs, very different to mature galaxies. How does dynamic universe explain this?)
The time dilation in supernova light curves (predicted by BB - how does dynamic universe explain this?)
The evolution of galaxies (the highest redshift galaxies are strange looking blobs, very different to mature galaxies. How does dynamic universe explain this?)
The time dilation in supernova light curves (predicted by BB - how does dynamic universe explain this?)
Most of the high redshift Galaxies are Quasars. And quasars
are blue shifted and can fitted for high redshifts. Quasars are otherwise known as quasi-stellar
objects so they look like blobs.
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The Tolman test (predicted by BB - the decrease in surface brightness due to increasing distance in an expanding universe)
The Tolman test (predicted by BB - the decrease in surface brightness due to increasing distance in an expanding universe)
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (predicted by BB - the CMB interacts with hot gases around clusters of galaxies)
The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (predicted by BB - the CMB interacts with hot gases around clusters of galaxies)
They have to show existence of Bigbang predicted CMB first….
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
The Sachs-Wolfe effect (gravitational redshift of CMB near massive objects)
The Sachs-Wolfe effect (gravitational redshift of CMB near massive objects)
That means whatever the CMB observed is starlight. There is
nothing new that starlight bends near SUN or any other gravitational mass.
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
Dark Matter (we have measured its effects through gravitational lensing, proving there is unseen mass)
Dark Matter (we have measured its effects through gravitational lensing, proving there is unseen mass)
the stars die, they will become compact objects. They exist in the edge of
Galaxy. They will have mass and they cannot be seen or otherwise detected.
[b]Evidence for the Big Bang:[/b]….
There is a lot more... Your theory has to account for ALL this to replace the current theory. And it has to predict the precession of the perihelion of the orbit of Mercury. Does it?
There is a lot more... Your theory has to account for ALL this to replace the current theory. And it has to predict the precession of the perihelion of the orbit of Mercury. Does it?
Yes You did not ask about BB generated neutrino flavors?
SN1987A gave those neutrino flavors :)