Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Full spectrum of the quasar eso1122 is analyzed and 62 additional peaks are found to have same blue shift as 1.124193

After seeing the comments on this post:
The full spectrum of the quasar is analyzed and 62 additional peaks of wavelength are found to be blueshifted.  I could see there are  62 peaks in the published spectrum of eso1122. These wavelengths were shown as blue shifted with the same ratio 1.124193
Some of the main points here are
1. These peaks are in addition to the already published and redshift calculated peaks as shown . For these published peaks it was already shown there were blue shifted by 1.124193 in the previous table
2. Some of the peaks in the published Redshift are not actually peaks, but they are some side frequencies of the main peaks as can be seen from the graph.
3. Here, all the peaks were taken this blueshift calculation from spectrum as published.

Ref.... Daniel J. Mortlock et.al.,LETTER TO NATURE 'A luminous quasar at a redshift of z = 7:085' 30 JUNE 2011 , VOL 000 , NATURE 1

Other intensive peaks of Quasar eso1122 (ULAS J112001.48+064124.3)
Published frequencies from the graph  by Daniel J. Mortlock et. al., ( Nature 2011) but not considered fior red shift calculations  Calculated blue shift in this paper     http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html   .  Some of the main points here are   1. These peaks are in addition to the already published and redshift calculated peaks. For these published peaks it was already shown there were blue shifted by 1.124193 in the previous table   2.  Some of the peaks in the published Redshift are not actually peaks, but they are some side frequencies of the main peaks as can be seen from the graph. 3.  But here all the peaks were taken this blueshift calculation from spectrum as published in Nature. 
Sl.No Observed wavelength (Å) Calculated Wavelength at ratio=1.124193 (Å) Ion  Ritz   Wavelength Air (Å)  Lower Level Conf., Term, J  Upper Level Conf., Term, J  TP Ref.
1 9800.0 11017.0889 Si II  11 016.50    3s25f   3s27g   
2 9920.0 11151.9921 Fe I  11 155.880   3d6(5D)4s (6D)5p   3d6(5D)4s (4D)4d  L11631
3 10000.0 11241.9275 Sr I  11 241.249    5s5p   5s6s  L2631
4 10150.0 11410.5564 S X  11 410*       2s2p4   2s2p4   
5 10150.0 11410.5564 Fe I  11 409.913    3d6(5D)4s (6D)5s   3d6(3D)4s4p(3P°)  L11631
6 10380.0 11669.1207 S II  11 669.0+     3s23p2(1D)4p   3s23p2(1S)3d   
7 10380.0 11669.1207 C I  11 669.64     2s22p3p   2s22p3d  L1113
8 10380.0 11669.1207          
9 10380.0 11669.1207 Fe I  11 669.6271   3d6(5D)4s4p(1P°)   3d6(5D)4s (6D)5s  L11631
10 10380.0 11669.1207 Fe I  11 669.649    3d6(5D)4s (6D)4d   3d64s(6D7/2)5f  L11631
11 10480.0 11781.5400 Ti I  11 780.542    3d3(4F)4s   3d2(3F)4s4p(3P°)  L10989
12 10480.0 11781.5400 Cm I          L3919
13 10740.0 12073.8301 Cs II  12 074.0686   5p5(2P°3/2)8p   5p5(2P°3/2)10s  L12126
14 11200.0 12590.9588 Xe I  12 590.20+    5p5(2P°3/2)5d   5p5(2P°3/2)7p  L7384
15 11200.0 12590.9588 Cs II  12 590.6434   5p5(2P°3/2)5f   5p5(2P°3/2)6g  L12126
16 11610.0 13051.8778 N I  13 051.88    2s22p2(3P)4s   2s22p2(3P)5p   
17 11750.0 13209.2648 Fe I  13 209.763    3d6(5D)4s (6D)5p   3d64s(6D)5d  L11631
18 11940.0 13422.8614 N I  13 422.1      2s22p2(3P)4p   2s22p2(3P)8s   
19 12200.0 13715.1515 Cs II  13 715.9106   5p5(2P°1/2)7s   5p5(2P°1/2)7p  L12126
20 12320.0 13850.0546 C I  13 850.47    2s22p4p   2s22p8s   
21 12320.0 13850.0546 Sc II  13 850.60    3p63d2   3p63d2   
22 12720.0 14299.7317 Ti II  14 299.1199   3d2(3F)4d   3d2(3F)5p  u37
23 13200.0 14839.3443 Ti I  14 839.531   3d3(2F)4s   3d2(3P)4s4p(3P°)  L10989
24 13300.0 14951.7635 N I  14 952.025   2s2p4   2s22p2(3P)3p   
25 13300.0 14951.7635 Fe I  14 952.215   3d6(3G)4s4p(3P°)   3d7(4F)4d  L11631
26 13680.0 15378.9568 C I  15 380.60    2s22p4p   2s22p6d   
27 13940.0 15671.2469 Cs II  15 671.463   5p5(2P°3/2)5f   5p5(2P°3/2)8d  L12126
28 13940.0 15671.2469 Fe I  15 671.866   3d7(4F)5s   3d7(4F)5p  L11631
29 14050.0 15794.9081 Ti I  15 795.650   3d24s(4F)4d   3d24s(4F7/2)4f  L12119
30 14200.0 15963.5370 Fe I  15 963.302   3d6(5D)4s (4D)5s   3d64s(4D)5p  L11631
31 14380.0 16165.8917 Fe I  16 165.029   3d6(5D)4s (6D)4d   3d64s(6D7/2)4f  L11631
32 14480.0 16278.3110 Ti I  16 278.442   3d24s(4F)4d   3d24s(4F5/2)4f  L12119
33 15200.0 17087.7298 Fe I  17 086.163    3d6(5D)4s (6D)5p   3d64s(6D)5d  L11631
34 15200.0 17087.7298 C I  17 086.25     2s2p3   2s22p4p   
35 15200.0 17087.7298 C I  17 086.93     2s22p3d   2s22p5p   
36 15200.0 17087.7298 Ar II  17 086.9730   3s23p4(3P1)4f   3s23p4(3P)5d  L9974
37 15760.0 17717.2777 Fe I  17 717.133   3d6(5D)4s (6D)4d   3d64s(6D9/2)4f  L11631
38 15760.0 17717.2777 Mg II  17 717.33    2p65d   2p66f  L6692
39 15760.0 17717.2777 Mg II  17 717.42    2p65d   2p66f  L6692
40 15830.0 17795.9712 Fe I  17 795.95    3d7(4F)5p   3d7(4F)5d  L11631
41 15890.0 17863.4228 C I  17 863.3      2s22p4p   2s22p5d   
42 16050.0 18043.2936 Ti I  18 043.662    3d3(4F)4d   3d3(4F7/2)4f  L12119
43 16230.0 18245.6483 Ti I  18 246.269    3d3(4F)4d   3d3(4F9/2)4f  L12119
44 16600.0 18661.5996 Ne II  18 661.11    2s22p4(3P2)5g   2s22p4(3P2)6h  L9088
45 16600.0 18661.5996 Ne II  18 661.17    2s22p4(3P2)5g   2s22p4(3P2)6h  L9088
46 16650.0 18717.8092 Ti I  18 715.675   3d3(4F)4d   3d3(4F7/2)4f  L12119
47 16700.0 18774.0189 Ti I  18 774.166   3d24s(4F)4d   3d24s(4F7/2)4f  L12119
48 16820.0 18908.9220 Ne II  18 910.416   2s22p4(3P)4d   2s22p4(3P)5p  L9088
49 17200.0 19336.1153 Fe I  19 336.516   3d7(4F)5p     L11631
50 17400.0 19560.9538 Fe I  19 560.946     3d6(5D)4s (6D)5p   3d64s(6D)5d  L11631
51 17800.0 20010.6309 Fe I  20 011.178    3d7(4F)4d   3d7(4F7/2)4f  L11631
52 18100.0 20347.8887 Si I  20 349       3s23p4p   3s23p5s   
53 18100.0 20347.8887 Ne II  20 349.475   2s22p4(3P)5p   2s22p4(3P)6s  L9088
54 18420.0 20707.6304 K I  20 707.0      3p64d   3p68p   
55 18600.0 20909.9851 Ne I  20 910.239   2s22p5(2P°3/2)4p   2s22p5(2P°1/2)4d  L9097
56 18750.0 21078.6140 C III  21 080.6   1s22s5s   1s22s5p   
57 18810.0 21146.0656 Ti I  21 147.29    3d3(4F)5s   3d3(4F)5p  L10989
58 19200.0 21584.5007 Ne I  21 585.761+     2s22p5(2P°1/2)3d   2s22p5(2P°3/2)4f  L9097
59 19600.0 22034.1778 S I  22 033.0+  3s23p3(4S°)4d   3s23p3(4S°)6f   
60 19600.0 22034.1778 S I  22 033.0+  3s23p3(4S°)4d   3s23p3(4S°)6f   
61 19600.0 22034.1778 S I  22 033.0+  3s23p3(4S°)4d   3s23p3(4S°)6f   
62 20500.0 23045.9513 Ar I  22 045.58    3s23p5(2P°1/2)4p   3s23p5(2P°3/2)3d