A new paper published
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations
I. INTRODUCTION Energy is produced by stars. Matter consisting of many elements and compounds. Both of these are maintaining balance and sustenance. There is energy, there is matter and there are Galaxies and Stars in the universe. None of these quantities ever goes up or down, a balance is always maintained. According to Dynamic Universe Model none of the above dominates the Universe. No energy dominated era, No matter Dominated era, always there is balance; and the balance is maintained dynamically ever. The Universe stays like this for ever. Some Galaxies may quench, new Galaxies may bourn but the Universe as a whole will stay in this condition without any birth or death. With these concepts the author makes a small scientific attempt to explain how all these processes will be possible with in the perview of Vak’s Dynamic Universe model of Cosmology. This paper is based on three main papers that are published by the author recently and many other papers published by many others scientists and Astrophysicists. And as a matter of fact, ninety nine percent of the concepts in this paper are well published already by many authors in the world including me. See the published papers at [39, 52] In this paper the author tries to cover the some of the main processes of the Universe. Tries to visualize the “Dynamic Universe Model” as a Universe model. What are these processes? Three main processes are identified in this paper. Three parts of this paper describe these main processes. The Galaxies in the Universe took birth at different times. Many Papers were published telling that the Galaxies have ages as long as 46 billion years to as low as 10 billion years. If Big Bang is having age of 13.8 billion years, why so many different ages? Some Galaxies have very high age and some have lower age? This process is covered in “Part1: Thinking and Reproducing Universe or Mindless Universe? (Galaxy life cycle) …” The main principle in this part1 is whatever takes birth in the Universe will die sooner or later. See the paper “Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe” in this part.
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Model of Universe
as Described by Dynamic Universe Model
Satyavarapu N. P.
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations
vol. 7, issue 79, August 2018 ISSN: 2251-8843
Model of Universe as Described by Dynamic Universe Model
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant, Res 1B, Street 57, Sector 8, Bhilai 490008 (snp.gupta@gmail.com, snp.gupta@hotmail.com)
Abstract-In this paper we will see the model of Universe according to Dynamic Universe Model of Cosmology by visualizing various processes that are happening in the Universe as per experimental evidences. For simplifying the matter here we will see in part1: about the Galaxy life cycle, where the birth and death of Galaxies discussed. Probably Universe gives guidance for the movement of Galaxies. We call this Part 1: Thinking and Reproducing Universe or Mindless Universe? (Galaxy life cycle).
Model of Universe as Described by Dynamic Universe Model
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant, Res 1B, Street 57, Sector 8, Bhilai 490008 (snp.gupta@gmail.com, snp.gupta@hotmail.com)
Abstract-In this paper we will see the model of Universe according to Dynamic Universe Model of Cosmology by visualizing various processes that are happening in the Universe as per experimental evidences. For simplifying the matter here we will see in part1: about the Galaxy life cycle, where the birth and death of Galaxies discussed. Probably Universe gives guidance for the movement of Galaxies. We call this Part 1: Thinking and Reproducing Universe or Mindless Universe? (Galaxy life cycle).
We see every day Sun, Stars, Galaxies etc., dissipating enormous energy in the form of radiation by the way of fusion of Hydrogen to helium. So after sometime all the Hydrogen is spent and Universe will die, is it not? … Dynamic Universe Model says that the energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its in frequency and finally will convert into neutrinos (mass). Hence Dynamic Universe Model proposes another process where energy will be converted back into matter and the cycle energy to mass to energy continues, sustaining the Universe to maintain this present status for ever in this form something like a Steady state model without any expansion. This we will see in Part2: Energy – Mass - Energy Cycle.
After converting energy into mass “how various elements are formed and where they are formed?” will be next logical question. Dynamic Universe Model says that these various particles change into higher massive particles or may get bombarded into stars or planets and various elements are formed. Here we bifurcate the formation of elements into 6 processes. They are for Elementary particles and elements generated in frequency changing process, By Cosmic rays, By Small stars, by Large Stars, by Super Novae and Manmade elements By Neutron Stars. This we will discuss in Part3: Nucleosynthesis.
Keywords- Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), SITA Simulations , Singularity-Free Cosmology, Blue Shifted Galaxies , Red Shifted Galaxies, Grazing Radiation Frequency Changes, Formation of Elements, Nucleosynthesis Dynamic Universe Model, Energy to Mass Conversion, Methods: N-body SimulationsGravitation-Cosmology
I. INTRODUCTION Energy is produced by stars. Matter consisting of many elements and compounds. Both of these are maintaining balance and sustenance. There is energy, there is matter and there are Galaxies and Stars in the universe. None of these quantities ever goes up or down, a balance is always maintained. According to Dynamic Universe Model none of the above dominates the Universe. No energy dominated era, No matter Dominated era, always there is balance; and the balance is maintained dynamically ever. The Universe stays like this for ever. Some Galaxies may quench, new Galaxies may bourn but the Universe as a whole will stay in this condition without any birth or death. With these concepts the author makes a small scientific attempt to explain how all these processes will be possible with in the perview of Vak’s Dynamic Universe model of Cosmology. This paper is based on three main papers that are published by the author recently and many other papers published by many others scientists and Astrophysicists. And as a matter of fact, ninety nine percent of the concepts in this paper are well published already by many authors in the world including me. See the published papers at [39, 52] In this paper the author tries to cover the some of the main processes of the Universe. Tries to visualize the “Dynamic Universe Model” as a Universe model. What are these processes? Three main processes are identified in this paper. Three parts of this paper describe these main processes. The Galaxies in the Universe took birth at different times. Many Papers were published telling that the Galaxies have ages as long as 46 billion years to as low as 10 billion years. If Big Bang is having age of 13.8 billion years, why so many different ages? Some Galaxies have very high age and some have lower age? This process is covered in “Part1: Thinking and Reproducing Universe or Mindless Universe? (Galaxy life cycle) …” The main principle in this part1 is whatever takes birth in the Universe will die sooner or later. See the paper “Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe” in this part.
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