Cosmic rays Paper1: Origins and formation of Cosmic rays starting with light rays
and electromagnetic radiation in Dynamic Universe model…
There are
multiple origins of Cosmic Rays. In addition to the generally accepted sources
of Cosmic rays like they originate from the supernova explosions of stars and Active
galactic nuclei like blazar TXS 0506+056 based on observations of neutrinos and
gamma rays from this blazar; Dynamic
Universe Model proposes three additional
sources like frequency upshifting of light rays, astronomical jets from Galaxy
centres and occasional solar flames from
sun or other stars in Milkyway. How these cosmic rays acquire high energy and
why they are intermittent, what are the stages of development of origins Cosmic
rays will be discussed in subsequent next 12 papers or so. Every paper will
have its mathematical background and SITA calculation sheets and / or Subbarao
path calculation sheets. We will discuss the origination of Cosmic Rays mostly
outside Solar System and probably Milkyway also. We also know Cosmic rays are composed primarily of
high-energy protons and atomic nuclei; they are of uncertain origin.