Saturday, 2 September 2017

Aug 2017 issue of International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO) HOSTS two papers


New IJSRO Volume:1, Issue:5, August 2017

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IJSRO invites papers from various engineering disciplines for Volume-01 Issue-06, Sep. 2017.
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Published Vol.-01 Iss.-05 August-17
IJSRO Vol.-01 Iss.-05, August-2017 is published now.
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International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO)

IJSRO - Current Publication

Author(s): Pushpalatha A P and Jothilakshmi G
     The graphs considered here are finite undirected without loops or multiple edges with p number of vertices and q number of edges. Let m and n are positive integers. A subset D of vertices in a graph G is an n- dominating set if every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least n vertices in D. ...

Author(s): Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta
     General theory of relativity says that the frequency shift in electro-magnetic radiation near a gravitating mass happens in one direction only (Gravitational redshift). There in the EARLIER [21] paper we saw that Dynamic Universe Model says this frequency shift happens on both the sides of spectrum. ...

Author(s): Abhishek D S and Premanand K Kumbar
     In these days, though the cement manufacturing companies have introduced various types of blended cement, the manufacturing of OPC cannot be stopped especially in southern parts of India. There is still a need for creating awareness among people about the use of blended cement. In present study, OPC 43 grade cement is used to manufacture a concrete mix of...

Author(s): Jothilakshmi G and Pushpalatha A P
     Let G(V,E) be a simple, undirected graph. A vertex v in V(G) is r-strong (r-weak) if ) (deg)(deg u v rr  ( ) (deg)(deg u v rr  ),f for every u is r-adjacent to v in V(G). A subset S of V is said to be r-strong(r-weak) if for every vertex in S is an r-strong(r-weak)vertex in G. A subset S of V is said to be r-strong, r-weak, r-balanced and r-regular set if every vertex in S is respectively r-strong, r-weak, r-balanced and r-regular vertex in G. ...

Author(s): Kamal Kalita and Ashutosh Sharma
     Viterbi decoding is the best technique for decoding the convolutional codes. It has been widely deployed in many wireless communication systems to improve the capacity of the communication channels. Viterbi decoders used in digital wireless communications are complex and dissipate large amount of power. Now a days most of the portable and hand held ...

Author(s): Premanand K Kumbar and Shahrukh Bagawan
     Due to rapid growth in population and industrialization, some new technologies are made for waste utilization by using rice husk as a valued material. The optimized Rice Husk Ash, by controlled burn and/or grinding, has been used as a pozzolanic...

Author(s): Porag Kalita
     A dynamo is device for automobiles that converts mechanical energy into the Electrical Energy, and it is a direct –current generator, widely used but less efficient than the more modern alternator. Principal of Generator is that “an electromotive force may be statically induced or dynamically induced by the electromagnetic induction “. A dynamo is a machine in which a coil or condut...

Author(s): Khan Mujiburrehman
    Intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relationship of rainfall amount is one of the most commonly used tools in water resources engineering for planning, design and operation of water resources projects. The objective of this research is to derive IDF relationship of rainfall at Mumbai region in India. These relationships are useful in the design of urban drainage works...

Author(s): Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta
     According to Dynamic Universe Model, our Universe is a Rotating Universe. In this model, electrons rotate about nucleus; Moons rotate about planets; Planets, asteroid and comets etc., rotate about stars; stars rotate about Galaxy center; Galaxies rotate about common center of local systems; and similarly Systems rotate in...

Author(s): Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta
     This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the “light rays and other electromagnetic radiation” passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles...

Author(s): Ananthi S and Dhanalakshmi P

Author(s): Banuprakash G and Shridhar A.H
    4,4’-[5-nitrobenzene-1,3-diyl di-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5,2-diyl] azo dye was synthesized from 4,4'-[5-nitrobenzene-1,3-diyldi-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5,2-diyl]dianiline, by performing multistep reaction during which the compounds were diazotized and coupled with different napthols and quinoline moieties. Structures of newly synthesized compounds were characterized and confirmed by IR, NMR, Mass, spectral studies. The newly synthesized compounds were screened for their acute toxicity, antimicrobial and in-vitro ...

Author(s): Shanmuga Priya K and Arun B
    Some of the important parameters of the blowfish encryption algorithm are being analyzed and examined to see how these parameters may affect the performance of the algorithm. The performance indices here are the security and speed of the algorithm. This study is applied to different types of data; text, sound and image. For each case the encryption/decryption key length has been changed and its effect on the performance was noticed. Moreover, the file size is changed and its affect on the performance of the...

Author(s): Fevija Dhas A.M, Mohammed Ariffuddeen M, Mohamed Ibrahim M and Ajith Kanna A. R
     The major demand for fossil fuels and their continual depletion and high prices has forced the scientific community to look for alternate options for power production. Electricity is needed for the economic growth of the world as a whole and hence the dependence on fossil fuels for electricity production has a negative impact on the growth of the industrial sector. This has led to the development of nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. But unlike renewable energy nuclear energy is associated with...

Author(s): Maheswari M and Uma Maheswari T
    Smart City initiative is an attempt to identify the technologies that can solve problems which cities must confront, such as poor air quality and health related issues, and hence create a network of partner cities to share the ideas for future progress. In this work an issue which is to facilitate smarter cities through world sensing is discussed. Food safety in rural and urban areas is a very important topic, as it closely affects the health of citizens. Recent studies highlight that raw milk contain pathogenic organisms which could...

Author(s): Allwyn K and Rajkumar S
    Valve motion and timing play a major role in the proper operation of an engine. This paper deals with a revolutionary design for replacing the present day poppet valves used in the inlet and outlet systems of a four stroke internal combustion engine using a single component for performing both functions. The idea is to match the movement of the valves to a rotating system such that the two valves can be replaced by a continuous system whereby timing is maintained by the rotation of the assembly itself. The main...

Author(s): Gayathri T, Abirami S and Rajarajeswari S
    The epidemic growth of wireless technology and mobile services in this epoch is creating a great impact on our life style. Some early efforts have been taken to utilize these technologies in surveillance. The purpose of the project was to build a motion detection AV camera, using simple Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors, micro controller, stepper motor and camera. In this AV Camera with Bluetooth terminal used which used for surveillance system which captures the Intruders and alert through the Bluetooth terminal....

Author(s): Rajkumar S, Balamurugan S and Rohith T
    A numerical study was undertaken to study the effect of stream wise devices on the base drag at free stream velocities of 10, 13 and 16 m/s. A literature survey was conducted to understand the base flow and the control techniques reported in the literature. Based on the literature survey, a axisymmetric base was chosen as a baseline case and different configurations of stream wise tabs were applied to the baseline case. A two dimensional validation was carried out and it was observed that the software was able to...

Author(s): Anne snega A, Mathina E, Priya E and Vigneshwari R
    A nozzle refers to a tube or pipe of usually variable cross-sectional area which is mostly axisymmetric. The aim of the nozzle is to increase and control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and the pressure of the stream. To design a suitable nozzle for UCAV so as to provide minimum deformation and hence helps to improve the performance and efficiency of the engine. The modeling is done using solid works and the CFD flow analysis is carried out and the deformation of the nozzle shapes is calculated..

Author(s): Rajkumar S, Mutharasan K, Thegidar Manchampuram, and Yokesh S
    In any gas turbine design cycle, blade design is a crucial element which needs maximum attention to meet the aerodynamic performance, structural safety margins, manufacturing feasibility, material availability etc. In present day gas turbine engines, most of the failures occur during engine development test and in-service, in rotor and stator blades due to fatigue and resonance failures. To address this issue, an extensive structural dynamic analysis is carried out to predict the natural frequencies and mode shapes us....

Author(s): Sowmiya Bhakavthe N, Mohammed Ibrahim M, Kamesh S and Mohammed Ariffuddeen M
     Airframe structures are developed based on a semi- monocoque construction. Essentially such a structure has a stiffened skin as the outer cover of the structure .the skin efficiently carry tensile stresses but requires stabilization to carry compression and shear loads. The stiffeners provide this stabilization .A cut- out in the air frame skin structure many a times is a necessity .doors and windows, access hole are examples of cut-out present in the airframe .cut-out are discontinuities in the various load flow paths....

Author(s): Vaishnavi K, Kamesh S, Sindhu kavi and Sunitha
    Aluminium Metal Matrix are used in automotive, space aircraft, defence and other engineering sectors. Al7075 have good properties like high strength, low density, ductility, corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity. But to improve the properties, a composite material is fabricated by taking Al7075 alloy as matrix material and reinforcement material as glass fibers...

Author(s): Vennila A, Mohammed Ariffuddeen M
     Area acoustic is the study of sound generated by fluid flows, or the interaction of fluid flows with solid boundary. Aerodynamically generated sound is the major source of aircraft noise. This paper deals with the acoustic sound of the air craft and reduction of that sound by aerodynamic design feature of chevron nozzle and the chevron nozzle is analysed through computational fluid dynamics..

Author(s): Nagesha A G and Gowrishankar S S
     4G, the cutting edge portable media transmission framework, is the necessity for security improvement and solid correspondence. This paper exhibits the outline of security improvement methods for information transmission in LTE systems utilizing TLS. Here AES is utilized for encryption. AES is upgraded by utilizing Chaos and Dynamic S-box. By the utilization of bedlam the move lines is made element and the key space is made limitless. S-box is made dynamic and key-subordinate utilizing figure key. Many-sided...

Author(s): Dr. P. Dhanalakshmi and Dr. S. Ananthi
    Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis plays an imperative responsibility in Human-Machine Interaction. Synthesized speeches were extracted from concatenating the pieces of pre-recorded speech utterances from the database. The proposed work converts the written text into a phonemic and syllabic transcription. Consequently, it converts both representations into modified waveform clips that can be combined together to fabricate as sound. It attempts to describe the individual variations that occur bet...

Author(s): Dr. Porag Kalita
    Blow by means, “Leakage of gases from the engine cylinder into the crank-case because of unsatisfactory action of the position rings”. An engine is a prime mover with the help of which heat energy obtained from the fuel, is converted into mechanical energy. Internal Combustion Engine (I.C.) that engine which combustion takes place outside the engine. Piston means that the reciprocating part of the engine is directly moved by the exploding fuel air mixture. However, petrol supplied to the engine should be completely....

Author(s): Dr. G. Vijaya and Dr. A. Suhasini
    Puropse: Medical Image Processing is one of the prominent areas, as it saves many human lives. Most of the existing Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) framework can deal only with the lung modalities such as Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). To beat this, our metaheuristic framework to tumor detection couples the data acquired from the CT images with the demographic attributes gathered from the patients....

Author(s): Dr. S. Ananthi and Dr. P. Dhanalakshmi
    Text-based speech document retrieval approach aims to retrieve the spoken document based on the textual query which is more helpful to the people with visually impaired. In this work, document retrieval is achieved by combing two methodologies; Document Retrieval and Speech Synthesis system respectively. Text document retrieval is achieved by Genetic Approach and Speech Synthesis by phoneme concatenation. User requirement of search is given in the form of query (text) to the retrieval system. Gene....

Author(s): Thamizh Devi C and Saranya M
    Cryptography and stegnography is the art of hiding secret information from the hackers. In cryptography, it is easy to found that the text consist of secret information. However, in steganogrphy, it is difficult to identify the incidence of hidden information into it. Even if the inter-mediator or hacker tries to extract information present in the cover image of stegonoography may fails to extract the exact information hidden over it. The purpose of embedding cryptography into steganography is to improve the security of the information..