Education:B.Tech (Ele),1976, JNTU College of Engg, Anantapur AP
Job:Joined Bhilai Steel Plant in1977, Was working as AGM(C&IT)

Joining & Retirement: 10 Mar 1977 to 31 Aug 2014
Address(res) :1B / STREET 57 / SECTOR 8 /BHILAI 490008
ZIP and Town :490006 and  BHILAI
Country :INDIA
Phone: Mob  :+919425244892  Mob : +919644096888 Res: +917882244570,

Wikipedia administrators have created a essay about me in Telugu Wikipedia. see the link

My Electrical Engineering education was completed long ago, in 1976. In 1982 I took Computer hard ware training in Kiev, then USSR. In 1984 I passed Industrial Engineering, a master degree equivalent.  In 1985 my Electronics paper came in magazine ‘Industrial Electronics Equipment Design’ A McGraw-Hill New York publication. In 1990 I presented a paper ( RO-56) “Adaptive trajectory databases for Manipulator control” in International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV ’90), 18-21 September, 1990,  at Hilton International Singapore.  A  1992 onwards I started my physics. I thought it is very interesting to try to solve the singularity free N-Body problem from Newton times. I started presenting papers in many parts of world that time on word till today on fundamental Physics. Till today I never stopped my education in different subjects. My Books are published in 2010 to 2013.Retirement from Bhilai Steel plant at the age 60 on 31 Aug 2014 after 37.5 years of service.

I took a patent to make In-memory databases super-fast,  to increase the speed of the In-memory database server by 100000 times fast. The same technology is applicable to normal servers that we use every day i.e. to increase the speed of any server by 100000 times faster than the present day usage.

I worked in Bhilai steel plant in various capacities from  1977 to 2014, with a short transfer for to Durgapur Steel plant.  I worked in Coke oven, Blast furnaces, Sintering plants, Rolling mills like Blooming and billet mill, Plate mill etc in Electrical and Electronic maintenance. In plate mill I worked in Process control computer section. 

Last 8 years I worked in Computers and Information technology department and SAP Plant Maintenance module.  Mapping of new departments,  Master data up-dating, (Codes and Catalogs, Equipment up-loading etc.)  Guiding and teaching customers for day to day usage , Creation and retrieval of maint notifications, Orders etc.

First I will tell my mathematical skills.

A new type of tensor mathematics was developed by me called Dynamic Universe Model, which is a singularity free N-Body problem solution. This mathematical approach solves many physical problems that are not solvable otherwise.
What is an N-body problem?
One of the main problems faced by Newton in around 1650’s is Kepler’s third law. Then, at that time, Newton’s main task was to derive Kepler’s third law from Gravitation law. Finally Newton could solve this problem
by using Two-body problem formulation. It was published in 1687 in Newton’s treatise ‘Principia'. Of course attempts to arrive at a solution to the 3-body problem started with Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 in Principia. Later Many people tried to solve three body problem and in general N-body problem. Euler was the first to study the general n-body and in particular restricted 3-body problem, instead of planets in the solar system in the 1760s. He found it is difficult to solve the general 3-body problem as already said by Newton. He tried to solve the restricted 3-body problem in which one body has negligible mass and it is assumed that the motion of the other two can be solved as a two-body problem, the body with negligible mass having no effect on the other two. The problem is to determine the motion of the third body attracted to the other two bodies which orbit each other. Even this assumption does not seem to lead to an exact solution. Very little is known about the n-body problem for n ≥ 3. Many of the early attempts to understand the 3-body problem were quantitative in nature, aiming at finding explicit solutions for special situations.
Dynamic Universe Model gives a solution for
Dynamic Universe Model suggests that the universe is not a Newtonian type static universe. According to this model, there was no Big bang singularity, so the question “What happened before Big bang?” does not arise. It states that ours is neither an expanding nor contracting universe. It is not infinite but it is a closed finite universe. Our universe is neither isotropic nor homogeneous. It is LUMPY. But it is not empty. It may not hold an infinite sink at the infinity to hold all the energy that is escaped. This is closed universe and no energy will go out of it. Ours is not a steady state universe in the sense, it does not require matter generation through empty spaces. No starting point of time is required. Time and spatial coordinates can be chosen as required. No imaginary time, perpendicular to normal time axis, is required. No baby universes, black holes or wormholes were built in. This universe exists now in the present state, it existed earlier, and it will continue to exist in future also in a similar way. All physical laws will work at any time and at any place. Evidences for the three dimensional rotations or the dynamism of the universe can be seen in the streaming motions of local group and local cluster. Here in this dynamic universe, both the red shifted and blue shifted Galaxies co-exist simultaneously.

Secondly I will tell about my HANA skills
In Dec 2014, I passed with high grades in exams conducted by SAP in the course 'Extending SAP Products with SAP HANA Cloud Platform' The results are available in the official SAP website
Instructor: Rui Nogueira
Rui Nogueira
covered the following topics:
Extending SAP Cloud Products
Cloud Extension in Details
My First SuccessFactors Extension
My First SAP Jam Extension
and  'Next Steps in Software Development on SAP HANA' 
Thomas Jung, Rich Heilman
covered the following topics:
Database and Modeling
SQLScript Advanced
OData Services (XSODATA)
Server-Side JavaScript (XSJS)
Miscellaneous Topics / Wrap-Up

Thirdly about Patent
I took a patent to make In-memory databases superfast, to increase the speed of the In-memory database server by 100000 times fast. ( Hana type databases) The same technology is applicable to normal servers that we use every day i.e. to increase the speed of any server by 100000 times fast than the present day usage.
I AM WORKING IN SAP-PM MODULE FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS. IMPLEMENTED IT IN THREE NEW SHOPS. In these shops implementation various aspects of implementation were taken care, like Maintenance Orders, Notifications, Maintenance Planning and Notifications. Integrations were  done with QM,  MM etc., as and when required in consultation with experts in these specializations.
In the last 8 years I worked in Computers and Information technology department , and of which about last 4 years in SAP Plant Maintenance module.  Mapping of new departments,  Master data up-dating, (Codes and Catalogs, Equipment up-loading etc.)  Guiding and teaching customers for day to day usage , Creation and retrieval of maint notifications, Orders etc.
My Electrical Engineering education was completed long ago, in 1976. In 1982 I took Computer hard ware training in Kiev, then USSR. In 1984 I passed Industrial Engineering, a master degree equivalent.  In 1985 my Electronics paper came in magazine ‘Industrial Electronics Equipment Design’ A McGraw-Hill New York publication. In 1990 I presented a paper ( RO-56) “Adaptive trajectory databases for Manipulator control” in International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV ’90), 18-21 September, 1990,  at Hilton International Singapore.  A  1992 onwards I started my physics. I thought it is very interesting to try to solve the singularity free N-Body problem from Newton times. I started presenting papers in many parts of world that time on word till today on fundamental Physics. Till today I never stopped my education in different subjects. My Books are published in 2010 to 2013.Retirement from Bhilai Steel plant at the age 60 on 31 Aug 2014 after 37.5 years of service.

I took a patent to make In-memory databases superfast,  to increase the speed of the In-memory database server by 100000 times fast. The same technology is applicable to normal servers that we use every day i.e. to increase the speed of any server by 100000 times fast than the present day usage.
Forth: Basic Concepts of Dynamic Universe Model and Multi Molecule theory.
  Desirable, important and required qualities of any new Theory
            The motive of the new theory should be to last long, it should not be for a short-term financial gain. It should be useful to humanity, should be remembered by humanity for a longer period. Let’s discus these desirable qualities of any theory in a little further detailed way as below.

            Scientific knowledge should be used for development of Humanity not for destruction or for selfish financial motives. Knowledge should be free to all. It should be remembered that the author is an instrument for the flow of knowledge from the top knowledge base to humanity.
B.2. Concept should come out from the depth of truth;
            When the concept is based on experimental results and correct ‘true’ foundations the new theory will be correct and its predictions will come true. People will keep this new theory  in their mind and remember.
B.3. Authors / Scientists thinking should go towards perfection:
            The mind set of Author should be to go for perfection. Then only he will achieve his goal properly. If not, he will end in approximations. Of-course there will many hindrances and obstacles and one cannot go for perfection always. Hence sometimes in these cases, the results will be approximate only. The limitation will be in the form of
= Available computer capacities,
= programming language limitations,
= the real capacity of the author to write a computer program to this required extent,
= Limitation of Mathematical model to assimilate the Physical situation
= The authors capacity to understand the Physical situation….  Etc….
B.4. Logic should be simple
            The basic underlaying logic behind the new theory should be simple. The principles must be simple must be simple and tested. Otherwise complexity will result and one cannot understand the results. The results can be true or false or even imaginary. For example for a new theory ’Dynamic Universe model’ used the following….
                        = “Newtonian gravitational law” which is tested for the last 500 years or so,
= No problem will be there to use 3D Cartesian coordinates,
= The cylindrical / spherical coordinates give inherent singularities so discarded
= Multiple masses will give multiple gravitational attraction forces
= The vectoral sum of all these forces will be resulting force vector

B.5. Theory’s predictions should be verifiable experimentally, by anyone and anywhere with the same conditions
            Any new theory should predict some results and they should be verified experimentally. That is how the people will think of it positively. For example, this new theory predicted many physical results like ‘Blue shifted Galaxies’, ‘No Dark matter’, ‘Frequency upshifting’ / ‘radiation to matter conversion’, which all came true after 7 or 8 years after publication. See the results (C.4.) section for further predictions and results.
B.6. Computations / computer programs should be simple
In many theories describing the cosmos, it will be very much required to simulate equations and situations. Such simulations should be easily possible to be done. Using our new theory many simulations were well done and they gave excellent results.       
B.7. Ontological realism of senses produced information
            Our sensory perception is limited. Our eyes don’t have a vision as much as an eagle. Our listening is not as good as a bat. Our smell perception is not as good as a dog. Our body is not as flexible as chimpanzee.  We can see many examples like this. But our brain is capable and its intelligence is much higher than any other animal or in some cases better than a computer. So, our brain philosophically or thro’ some conversion realises the other information beyond our senses. Of-course this was done in the new theory by the way of computer simulations using mathematics, so that we can visualize results.
B.8. New theory should lead us forward into ever-widening thought and action experiments
            Any new theory should NOT put a full-stop or end to further work based on same set of principles. It should kindle further thought and experiments. I can see further work possible in many ways in our new theory example. Lets use it further and further.
B.9. Let the new theory lead us into that heaven of freedom of thinking.
            Let us pray the Almighty Vak that this new theory further kindle heaven of thought and experiments further and further for the progress of Physics and humanity….

C. Some Foundational points and results of the Dynamic Universe Model:
Some foundational points of a new theory ‘Dynamic Universe Model’ in Cosmology. 

This Model is new Cosmological model fundamentally and mathematically different from Bigbang, Steady state model etc. I am giving below its Foundational points, Present Day unsolved problems, which can’t be solved by other prominent models.

 C.1. Logical and Physical foundational points of Dynamic Universe Model:
-No Isotropy
-No Homogeneity
-No Space-time continuum
-Non-uniform density of matter, universe is lumpy
-No singularities
-No collisions between bodies
-No blackholes
-No warm holes
-No Bigbang 
-No repulsion between distant Galaxies
-Non-empty Universe
-No imaginary or negative time axis
-No imaginary X, Y, Z axes
-No differential and Integral Equations mathematically
-No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to GR on any condition
-No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models
-No many mini Bigbangs
-No Missing Mass / Dark matter
-No Dark energy
-No Bigbang generated CMB detected
-No Multi-verses

C.2. Main ETHICAL foundational principles of Dynamic Universe Model:

-Human Accrued knowledge should be free to all
-Concept should come out from the depth of truth;
-Authors / Scientists thinking should go towards perfection;
-Logic should be simple
-Theory’s predictions should be verifiable experimentally, by anyone and anywhere with the same conditions
-Computations / computer programs should be simple
-ontological realism of senses produced information
-New theory lead us forward into ever-widening thought and action experiments
-Let the new theory lead us into that heaven of freedom.

C.3. Main PHYSICAL and COSMOLOGICAL foundational principles of “N-Body problem solution: Dynamic Universe Model”:
-Natural universe regularly undergoes change in shape due to mutual Dynamical Gravitational forces.  
-Accelerating Expanding universe with 33% Blue shifted Galaxies
-Newton’s Gravitation law works everywhere in the same way
-All bodies dynamically moving
-All bodies move in dynamic Equilibrium
-Closed universe model no light or bodies will go away from universe
-Single Universe no baby universes
-Time is linear as observed on earth, moving forward only
-Independent x,y,z coordinate axes and Time axis no interdependencies between axes..
-UGF (Universal Gravitational Force) calculated on every point-mass
-Tensors (Linear) used for giving UNIQUE solutions for each time step
-Uses everyday physics as achievable by engineering
-21000 linear equations are used in an Excel sheet
-Computerized calculations uses 16 decimal digit accuracy
-Data mining and data warehousing techniques are used for data extraction from large amounts of data.

C.4. Computer Simulation results as Decided by Dynamic Universe Model
For free downloading of published Scientific papers and books see 
Some previously published papers of Dynamic Universe Model were given in section E. (References).
Many Present-day UNSOLVED problems solved by Simulations:

-Explains Formation of Astronomical Jets and their high Velocities at Galaxy centers.
-Predicts Frequency shift in electro-magnetic radiation near huge gravitating masses 
-Galaxy Disk formation: Densemass Equations
-Explains gravity disturbances like Pioneer anomaly,
-Non-collapsing large scale mass structures
-Offers Singularity free solutions
-Solving Missing mass in Galaxies, and finds reason for Galaxy circular velocity curves….
-Blue shifted and red shifted Galaxies co-existence, in an Accelerating Expanding Universe…
-Explains the force behind expansion of universe
-Explains the large voids and non-uniform matter densities
-Predicts the trajectory of New Horizons satellite
-Withstands 105 times the Normal Jeans swindle test
-Explains VLBI variations
-Explains Formation of Astronomical Jets and their high Velocities at Galaxy centers.
-Predicts Frequency shift in electro-magnetic radiation near huge gravitating masses
-Explains frequency upshifting
- Explains energy to mass conversion
-Explains Cosmic-rays formation
- Proposed an UNIVERSE model with full cycle of Energy (from Sun)--- to Mass( neutrinos to Hydrogen- to formation of various elements)  ---- to formation of Stars and Sun ---- to Energy   again---- NO BIGBANG --- No Blackholes etc…

            Any of scientific theories should not be based on blind faith, fear or narrow boundaries of any type. Cooking up the results is one malpractice that goes in the scientific community.  Let’s discus these undesirable qualities of any theory in a little further detailed way as below.
A.1. Dogmatisms, Superstitions must be avoided
            With a predetermined idea that the theory should behave in some manner, religious feelings etc, must be avoided while forming a new theory. As far as possible, the new theory should be based on scientific findings and experimental results.
A.2. Theory must be developed without any type of fear
            It is a common thing that there is some fear about teachers, professors and superior bosses. Such fear should not enter the new theory while formulation. Otherwise it will become key factor, and the new theory will become improper and inconstant and will give erroneous results.
A.3. Theory has not been bounded up by narrow academic walls:
            Such boundaries do exist and are being imposed by institutions, teachers and professors. Funding and allocation of seats and vacancies are inside these boundaries. It is well known generally that the Professors don’t accept students who work outside these boundaries or provide funding. Many times, they don’t accept that there is some science beyond these boundaries.     
A.4. Don’t force or manipulate results
            It is generally observed that scientists or experimenters manipulate the results to their advantage. But it is very fair practice NOT to manipulate any results, take them as they are, and publicize them as needed. It is quite possible that your thinking will not be reflected in an experiment or scientific simulation using computers, and they may give quite opposite results, accept them analyse them and refine your theory accordingly if needed.
A.5. Don’t make the mathematics too complex with thousands of multiple possible solutions
            It is seen that many times while formulating a new theory to many input variables were taken by thinking that they are rudimental. For example, for calculating motions in a system, if we take variables like “Masses, time, gravitational attraction force constant, Electro static force constants, charges, positions in three-dimensional coordinate axes and system temperature “are ok and sufficient a problem in quantum mechanics, and these are sufficient. But for a similar problem in astrophysics, “Electro static force constants, charges and temperature” are not required. So, don’t make your mathematics too complex and complicated.
Avoid using imaginary numbers and imaginary dimensions / axes in real or physically existing systems otherwise you will get unimaginable results. You can’t understand what are they, what is the meaning of such result, finally you will go nowhere and look perplexed. All your time will be wasted which was spent for developing such system of mathematics to describe a physical system.

D. Conclusion
            Here we just discussed new theories ‘Dynamic Universe Model’ and” Multi molecule Theory” as a possible example for the points discussed in this essay. Any new theory with such principles should do good to humanity in any other branch of science.

Fifth: “Multi Molecule Theory” …..  A Recent Development two months back

1. “Multi Molecule Theory” with Gravitation as binding force (Probably may NOT) to explain Brownian Motion by Dynamic Universe Model
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,
Res 1B  / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008
Abstract (For revised paper): Paper 1 Theory
          Nanobiotechnology is a wonderful multidisciplinary budding science. Here we propose to explain the Physics portion which is forming the basis of the Nanobiotechnology. Brownian motion is the dictating MASTER of the behaviour in scales of Nanometers. How this Brownian motion happens? Why collisions happen between the Molecules? How the momentum is generated in the starting place? What are the are the trajectories of individual particles or molecules? The Physics and the calculations behind the force and individual velocities of molecules with relevant theoretical analysis is proposed in this paper. MMT simulations were developed in the last one month, and preliminary analysis says Gravitation is not sufficient to explain Brownian Motion at this stage.  May be further investigations reveal the contrary. Some other different type of force may explain the Brownian motion.  
2nd Paper gives implementation to excel with Gravitation as binding force.
3rd Paper gives simulation results of using Gravitation as binding force between molecules
The theory of MMT is presented in this paper.
2. “Multi Molecule Theory” by Dynamic Universe Model with Gravitation as Force Field between molecules: Excel Implementation for Nanobiotechnology.
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,
Res 1B  / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008
Abstract : Paper2. Excel Implementation:
          Nanobiotechnology is a wonderful multidisciplinary budding science. Here we explore to explain the Physics portion which is forming the basis of the Nanobiotechnology. In the first attempt we took Gravitation as the force field between Molecular pairs. How this Brownian motion happens? What are the are the trajectories of individual particles or molecules? The Physics and the calculations behind the force and individual velocities of molecules with relevant theoretical analysis is proposed in the FIRST paper.  For this theory of MMT simulations  developed  about month back, “the Excel Implementation where gravitation is the binding force”  is presented in this paper.
1st Paper presented theory of MMT.
2nd Paper gives implementation to excel with Gravitation as binding force.
3rd Paper gives simulation results of using Gravitation as binding force between molecules
3. “Multi Molecule Theory” by Dynamic Universe Model with Gravitation as Force Field between molecules: Simulation Results Using Excel for Nanobiotechnology.
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,
Res 1B  / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008
Abstract: Paper3. Simulation Results
          Nanobiotechnology is a wonderful multidisciplinary budding science. Here we explore to explain the Physics portion which is forming the basis of the Nanobiotechnology. How this Brownian motion happens? In the first attempt we took Gravitation as the force field between Molecular pairs. We got the trajectories of individual particles or molecules ok. There was not enough force observed for the collisions to happen.   The Physics and the calculations behind the force and individual velocities of molecules with relevant theoretical analysis is proposed in the FIRST paper.  For this theory of MMT simulations  developed  about month back, “the simulation results where gravitation is the binding force”  is presented in this paper.
1st Paper presented theory of MMT.
2nd Paper gave details of implementation to excel where Gravitation as binding force.
3rd Paper present these simulation results of using Gravitation as binding force between molecules here

4. “Multi Molecule Theoryby Dynamic Universe Model with Gravitation as Force Field between molecules for explaining Brownian Motion: FINAL Simulations giving POSITIVE Results using Excel for Nanobiotechnology.
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,
Res 1B  / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008
Abstract: Paper4. Positive Simulation Results
          Nanobiotechnology is a wonderful multidisciplinary budding science. Here in our persuasions to explore to explain the Physics portion which is forming the basis of the Nanobiotechnology, this paper is the FORTH and FINAL paper in this series of earlier three papers on Multi Molecule Theory (MMT) as listed below in this abstract.
How this Brownian motion happens? In this final attempt of EXCEL simulations, we took Gravitation as the force field between Molecular pairs to explain Brownian Motions. Earlier we got the trajectories of iGndividual particles or molecules ok. “There was not enough force observed for the collisions to happen” was our observation in the third paper.
As we mentioned in that third paper, the number of iterations were less (55) to give any resulting conclusion about ‘Gravitation’ is the final force of attraction between molecules or not. Now we could complete enough simulations which are giving positive results. We feel these 7000 iterations are sufficient for SAFE conclusion and declaration of results.
We can say that “Gravitation” as the force of attraction is NOT sufficient to give enough force between a single pair of Molecules. But the collective vectoral sum of these forces of Multiple molecules in MMT, with sufficient number of iterations will explain the motions. Here we are talking about the Brownian Motion and the Physics and the calculations behind the force and individual velocities of molecules with relevant theoretical analysis as proposed in the FIRST paper.  For this theory of MMT simulations  developed  about month back, “the Final concluding simulations with positive results where gravitation is the binding force”  are presented in this paper.
1st Paper presented theory of MMT.
2nd Paper gave details of implementation to excel where Gravitation as binding force.
3rd Paper present these simulation results of using Gravitation as binding force between molecules here different simulation of each 55 iterations were presented.
4th Paper (this paper) gives the Final concluding simulations giving positive results

Some References
1.     S.N.P.GUPTA (2012) SITA: Dynamic Universe Model: Blue Shifted Galaxies Prediction. Lap Publications, Saarbrucken, Germany.
2.      S. N. P. GUPTA (2017) Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model with Math.
3.      Einstein A (1952) The foundation of General theory of relativity. Dover publications, New York, USA.
4.     Gupta, S.N.P. (2010) Dynamic Universe Model: A Singularity-Free N-Body Problem Solution. S. N. P. Gupta 130 VDM Publications, Saarbrucken.
5.     Gupta, S.N.P. (2011) Dynamic Universe Model: SITA Singularity Free Software. VDM Publications, Saarbrucken.
6.      Gupta, S.N.P. (2011) Dynamic Universe Model: SITA Software Simplified. VDM Publications, Saarbrucken.
7.     Gupta, S.N.P., Murty, J.V.S. and Krishna, S.S.V. (2014) Mathematics of Dynamic Universe Model Explain Pioneer Anomaly. Nonlinear Studies USA, 21, 26-42.
8.     Gupta, S.N.P. (2013) Introduction to Dynamic Universe Model. International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews Journal , 2, 203-226.
9.      Gupta, S.N.P. (2015) No Dark Matter Prediction from Dynamic Universe Model CameTrue! Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology, 3, 1000117.
10.   Gupta, S.N.P. (2014) Dynamic Universe Models Prediction No Dark Matter in the Universe Came True! Applied Physics Research, 6, 8-25.
11.   Gupta, S.N.P. (2015) Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Live Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto. Applied Physics Research, 7, 63-77.
12.   Gupta, S.N.P. (2014) Dynamic Universe Model Explains the Variations of Gravitational Deflection Observations of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry. Applied Physics Research, 6, 1-16.
13.  S.N.P Gupta (2019) Rotating Universe and Simultaneous Existence of Red and Blue shifted Galaxies in Dynamic Universe Model. OSP J Nuc Sci 1: JNS-1-105
14.  S.N.P Gupta (2019) Model of Universe. OSP J Nuc Sci 1: JNS-1-109

Sixth: Books by me:
Book1. Dynamic Universe Model: A singularity-free N-body problem solution [ISBN 978-3-639-29436-1]---2010 October----VDM Germany
Here a solution to N-body problem-called Dynamic Universe Model (SITA) is presented; which is singularity-free, inter-body collision free and dynamically stable. The book talks about history and general introduction and why anisotropic density distributions are to be taken. The book also covers Mathematics and the final tensors formation followed by Numerical Outputs. To prove that no singularities exist in this model: three cases were taken  1. Non-zero Velocity position Vector cross product, 2. The non-zero Polar moment of Inertia  3. The non-zero Internal Distances between all pairs of point masses  Their calculation results are shown. Chaotic results with the Earlier Large Astrophysical N-body Problem, and Exponential divergence and the various kinds of errors, like Input and output Errors, are discussed and compared with this model. This N-body problem solution can be used by any person who has a PC for solving presently unsolved applications like Pioneer anomaly, New Horizons satellite trajectory at the Solar system level, Missing mass due to Star circular velocities and Galaxy disk formation at Galaxy level etc. 

Book2.  Dynamic Universe Model: SITA singularity free software ---2011 March --- VDM n Germany, March- 2011, ISBN 978-3-639-33501-9,
This is the Second book in the series on Dynamic Universe Model describing the SITA software in EXCEL emphasizing the singularity free portions additionally. It explains more than 21000 (Twenty one thousand) different equations, in 43 different groups with additional 14 Index functions and 69 single equations. There are 16 ranges, 11 macros & processes and 18 graphs to view and monitor various parameters.   Here in this, a solution to N-body problem-called Dynamic Universe Model (SITA) is presented; which is singularity-free, inter-body collision free and dynamically stable. The Excel EQUATIONS to all the six cases proving that NO singularity exist in the earlier book are given here with software.   Viz., three non-zero cases Angular momentum, Polar moment of Inertia, Internal Distances between all pairs of point masses  Stability criteria like specific relative angular momentum is constant, None of the masses are moving towards center, and  “Total energy = h= T-V = NEGATIVE”.  This SITA solution can be used by anyone who knows EXCEL and little bit interested in Physics for solving presently unsolved applications from the Solar system level, to Cosmology level via Galaxy level.

Book3. Dynamic Universe Model: SITA software simplified[ISBN 978-3-639-36469-9]---Aug-2011----VDM Germany

This is the Third book in the series on Dynamic Universe Model, describing the SITA software in EXCEL in the accompanying CD / DVD emphasizing mainly HANDS ON usage of a simplified version. It explains 3000 equations for 133 masses [instead of earlier 21000 (Twenty one thousand)], in 17 different groups with additional 14 Index functions and 56 single equations. There are 16 ranges, 11 macros & processes and 18 graphs to view and monitor various parameters.   SITA is singularity-free, inter-body collision free and dynamically stable. Here basically how to tune, select input values, how to iterate & run to get the results in EXCEL, how to select time step values, to analyze data and using Graphs etc., are presented. This SITA solution can be used by anyone who knows a little about EXCEL and little bit interested in Physics for solving presently unsolved applications like Pioneer anomaly, New Horizons satellite trajectory at the Solar system level, Missing mass due to Star circular velocities and Galaxy disk formation at Galaxy level etc., that is from the Solar system level, to Cosmology level via Galaxy level.

 Please go to this link below for this book......

4th Book: SITA: Dynamic Universe Model: Blue Shifted Galaxies Prediction Published (ISBN 978-3-8484-1382-9), 

Dynamic Universe model is based on hard observed facts and does NOT
depend on speculation. In this fourth book the simulations predicted the
existnce of the large number of Blue shifted Galaxies, in an expanding
universe, in 2004 itself. It was confirmed by by Hubble Space Teliscope
(HST) observations in the year 2009. This prediction process is clearly shown
in the output pictures formed from this Model from old and new
simulations. These pictures depict the three dimensional orbit formations.
An orbit formation means some Galaxies are coming near (Blue shifted) and
some are going away (Red shifted). This book goes on two main lines. First
is the main line of thinking, to show mathematically that there will be lots
and lots of blue shifted Galaxies mathematically. To support this concept
the question what are the possible blue shifted Galaxies is answered
further. We find that quasars are blue shifted galaxies. The second line of
thinking goes with this finding, that the Quasars are blue shifted
galaxies.Forrest Noble (Pan Theory) in his foreword said “over 7,000
blueshifted galaxies have been discovered extending beyond the Local
Group, first predicted by Mr.Gupta

Book is available from

All 4 Books are available for FREE Download as detailed in Books published tab

Seventh RECENT Papers


Journal of Nanomaterials Molecular accepted my paper “Multi molecule theory by dynamic universe model with gravitation as force field between molecules excel implementation for nanobiotechnology”

New paper published by London Journal Press ::'Cosmic Ray Origins: Part 1. Frequency Upshifting of light Rays / Electromagnetic Radiation near stars in Dynamic Universe Model. 


We are glad to announce the global launch of London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal Volume: 20 | Issue: 3 | Compilation: 1. Your research paper, Cosmic Ray Origins: Part 1. Frequency Upshifting of light Rays / Electromagnetic Radiation near stars in Dynamic Universe Model., is officially accepted and published in this issue and will be available in various subscribed libraries and online at the following link giving your research a global reach.

Nominated as a Organizing Committee member for  Webinar Nanotech & Nanobiotechnology 2020
We are forming a big ATM (Against Main Stream - Against BIGBANG  mainly) group, please join this group  for better development in Physics. Contact me by sending a mail to


The paper "Cosmic Ray Origins: Part 1. Frequency Upshifting of light Rays / Electromagnetic Radiation near stars in Dynamic Universe Model." is in final stages of publication, I received the "Provisional Letter of Acceptance"
Official Letter of Acceptance

This email is in concern to your research paper entitled “Cosmic Ray Origins: Part 1. Frequency Upshifting of light rays / electromagnetic radiation near stars in Dynamic Universe model.” Your research paper has been provisionally accepted for publication by our peer reviewers, editorial board, and internal research council team.
London press gave me Franklin membership

"Quarterly Franklin Membership" London press - Membership ID #ZN06414 considering your paper Model of Universe as Described by Dynamic Universe Model
Go to link:


FQXi: Foundational Questions Institute USA, Just published my essay
You can read and rate the essay as public, I request you to please give me good rating.

A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory’s Philosophy

See the link below....

 After completing the paper on Cosmic Ray Origins a new paper work will be starting today  on ...

Dynamic Universe Model Explains the impulsive nature of Cosmic rays and Cut-off mechanisms

See the link below.....


Two of my papers published OSP, London, UK. They invited these papers for their inaugural issue.
They are...
1. Model of Universe--- Published on 27-Dec-2019
2. Rotating Universe Existence of Blue and Red shifted Galaxies--- Published on           30-Dec-2019
One can download from the links given below....


Errata : ERROR in frequency Up-shift Equations ERROR 

Vak  Dated 12.Oct. 2019
There was a minor error in the frequency up-shift equations which was found while cross checking NUMERICALLY while using EXCEL worksheets
Now that ERROR is corrected. 
This error appeared in the exact calculation of Initial frequency and final frequency at the time of BENDING of Electro-magnetic ray / light ray near Gravitational mass.
Hence all the published papers papers stand corrected as indicated by link below....

Help needed please.
I want to know the types of stars  in Bulge, Halo, Disk, Core etc., the different parts of Milky-way; So that we can carryout further calculations of origins of Cosmic rays.


Today I could successfully finish the long awaited calculations of Cascading of frequency up-shifting of the same light ray being bent at various (approximately 53) stars. 

This is an important development for the support of Origins of COSMIC rays by Dynamic Universe Model.

Incidentally today is Happy birthday my loving little  Grand daughter AYRU
For further details please contact me....
 Dear All
 As I mentioned Earlier on 11-May-2019 below.... Maa Vak gave inspiration to do the First paper on Cosmic Rays....

Cosmic rays Paper1: Origins and formation of Cosmic rays starting with light rays and electromagnetic radiation in Dynamic Universe model…

See part ABSTRAT as.....
.................Dynamic Universe Model proposes  three additional sources like frequency upshifting of light rays, astronomical jets from Galaxy centres  and occasional solar flames from sun or other stars in Milkyway.................

See the Blog post for further details
Help required

Working on for Explaining Cosmic Rays Origin and Creation with Dynamic Universe Model
You may please send your questions and support to

International Conference on Applied Physics and Theoretical Physics

Dublin, Ireland, June 17-18
Accepted two papers for oral presentation... Part of their PDF invitations shown in post below...

 Published paper in vol. 7, issue 8 2 , 
November 2018 ISSN: 2251 - 8843 , 
Title: Frequency Upshift in Electromagnetic Radiation Near Gravitating Masses and Nucleosynthesis in Dynamic Universe Model

27-Nov- 2018 

Dear all....
I  started a new thread in BAUT forums. See the link below....

This is to get mainstream views for ​understanding Electrical charge...
Have look and post your views there and/or discuss with me and please ask your friends also​ to look and discuss​....


International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations  

published a paper vol. 7, issue 79, August 2018 ISSN: 2251-8843 

Title : Model of Universe as Described by Dynamic Universe Model

A new paper  published


Have a look at the New paper 'Model of Universe as Described by Dynamic Universe Model'


See the introduction to the new Book8. Book8  has three parts, have a look please................

Dynamic Universe Model as a Universe model: 

Part1: Thinking and Reproducing Universe or Mindless Universe? 

Part2: Energy – Mass - Energy Cycle 

Part3:  Nucleosynthesis

Check the link:





SciFed Journal of Nuclear Science accepted the paper on Energy to mass conversion.  This is next development of the paper... on Frequency Shifting Near Gravitating Masses



ICRTES-2018 conf accepted the paper on Frequency Shifting Near Gravitating Masses




Jet Airways created problem to us, a Sr Citizen couple 

...while we are visiting our children in USA, have look at this link please


 Frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model
Web address:

15 Oct 2017

RAMSA 17 Invited me
Dept. of Mathematics, GVP College of Engineering and GVP-Prof. V.
Lakshmikantham Institute for Advanced Studies (GVP-LIAS), in association with International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts, is organizing an International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications
(RAMSA-17) from 19th to 22nd December, 2017 at GVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India.!AkMgoZO1xFxInAsjenYCKnX9hwqn

 02 Sept 2017

Aug 2017 issue of International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO) HOSTS two papers...

18 Aug 2017

International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO) published two papers 
 1. Rotating Universe and Simultaneous Existence of Red and Blue shifted Galaxies in Dynamic Universe Model 
 2. Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model
For  FREE full paper downloading please see...

4 June 2017

Link to paper " Rotating Universe and Simultaneous Existence of Red and Blue shifted Galaxies in Dynamic Universe Model " modified  on viXra today. See the link...

2 June 2017

New paper " Rotating Universe and Simultaneous Existence of Red and Blue shifted Galaxies in Dynamic Universe Model " published on FQXi today. See the link...

15 May 2017

New paper published on "Prediction of Blue shifted Galaxies came true" in General Science Journal today 
This paper is available for free down loads from General Science journal see for full details...

15 May 2017

Paper published on "near light velocities observed in Astronomical Jets"
in General Science Journal today
This paper is available for free down loads from General Science journal see for full details...

15 May 2017

New paper published on Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in General Science Journal todayThis paper is available for free down loads from General Science journal see for full details...

21 April 2017

Google Scholar hosts about 25 of my papers and books

14 April 2017

"Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model with Math" 
New paper posted in FQXi

14 April 2017

New paper published in FQXi on Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe on Jan. 26, 2017 @ 20:19 GMT

14 April 2017

New paper published on Existence of Many Blue Shifted Galaxies in the Universe by Dynamic Universe Model Came True in OJMSi in USA

21 Sept 2016
All 4 Books are available for FREE Download as detailed in Books published tab 

18 Sept 2016

All four books of "Dynamic Universe Model" are available for FREE downloads see following link
see  in Books Published Tab above

11 Sept 2016

Full set of paper on “Blue and Red Shifted Galaxies are resulted due to frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model” Available at the links

05 Sept 2016

27 Aug 2016
Full set of paper and Excel sheets (16.5 MB) of paper on
Dynamic Universe Model solves “Faster than Light Neutrinos” riddle.
                         There are many instances that reported Superluminal neutrinos.   Dynamic Universe Model explains the how and why of  “Faster than Light Neutrinos” without any modification in its theory. Various instances like Astronomical jets, Gravitational catapult, MINOS experiment and Fermilab1979 in particle experiments and supernova SN1987A and Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) in astronomy Neutrinos travelling faster than speed of light were recorded. There were 76 theoretical experiments conducted and their results are reported in this paper. These experiments were done between 2009 to 2011.  Dynamic Universe Model theory was tested in explaining many anomalies in Physics. Dynamic Universe Model’s many predictions came true. 

27 Aug 2016
Some of my papers are Uploaded to  viXra org web. See the tab above for the Papers published page. Any body interested can download the full text PDF of paper by just clicking the Link given, and later in viXra page, by clicking the PDF botton

18 Aug 2016

See the discussion in Space Time and the Universe forum ... No Bigbang...
This Dynamic Universe Model approach solves many unsolved problems and (published papers) like…

1. Galaxy Disk formation using Dynamic Universe Model (Dense mass) Equations
2. Solution to Missing mass in Galaxies: It proves that there is no missing mass in Galaxy due to circular velocity curves
3.Offers Singularity free solutions.. that means there are no blackholes or Bigbang or Body to body collisions
4. Non-collapsing Large scale mass structures formed when non-uniform density distributions of masses were used
5.Explaining super luminal neutrinos .
6. Non- collapsing Galaxy structures
7. Energy to mass conversion
8. Blue shifted and red shifted Galaxies co-existence…
9. Explains the force behind expansion of universe.
10. Explains the large voids and non-uniform matter densities.
11. Predicts the trajectory of New Horizons satellite.
12. Withstands 100000 (One Hundred Thousand) times the Normal Jeans swindle test
13. Explaining the Pioneer Anomaly
14. Explaining the formation of Astronomical jets
15. Explaining the high velocities in Astronomical Jets
16. Prediction of “No-dark” matter proved experimentally
17. Explaining VLBI (Very long Baseline Interferometry)
18. Prediction of Blue shifted Galaxies came true
Etc…If you feel these are claims, we can discuss…Almost all the unsolved problems of Bigbang are solved here.

( 23 April 2016)

The 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly to be held July 30 - August 7, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey accepted 4 papers

( 4 March 2016)

Another evidence for Dynamic Universe Model,.....
Astronomers spot galaxy a record 13.4 billion light-years from Earth...GN Z11 Galaxy (z = 11) at 13.4 billion light years away

( 16 Feb 2016)

Wikipedia says Astrophysical Jets is a unsolved problem in Physics. Two solutions were given by Dynamic Universe Model....

( 10 Feb 2016)
All my published papers are here. I will put other papers also here as and when they are published. All these are open access papers mostly. But my sis suggested they should be available at one place

( 07 Feb 2016)
A great help to my biography in English Wikipedia.... My Friend and teacher Irina Sapanchikova of Kiev Ukraine Translated the wiki page into ... Ukrainian language...

( 04 Feb 2016)
A great help to my biography in English Wikipedia.... My Friend and teacher Irina Sapanchikova of Kiev Ukraine Translated the wiki page into Russian...

( 15 Jan 2016)
About my biography in English Wikipedia.... Irina Sapanchikova of Kiev Ukraine wrote in Facebook as...

( 15 Jan 2016)
My biography in English Wikipedia
THE Wikipedia administration added a essay about me in English Wikipedia.

( 17 Oct 2015)  

My paper on Blue shifted Galaxies is accepted in Amravati

 ( 21 Sept 2015)  

Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology accepted a paper on ..... ' Uniformity of CMB in our Dynamic Universe.... on  Sept 21, 2015...see link below

( 20 Sept 2015) 

Some news paper cuttings which gave some coverage in English and in Hindi few years back.....

 ( 19 Sept 2015)

 Photos with Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose

( 06 Aug 2015)

Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology accepted a paper on ..... '.Explaining formation of Astronomical Jets using Dynamic Universe Model, 2015  Aug 06...

( 31 July 2015)
The paper on New Horizons Satellite trajectory predictions was published in Canada, Published by journal of Canadian Center of Science and Education called... "Applied Physics research." This paper was rejected earlier. {See posts dated 28 and29 Dec, 2014 below...} see links below

( 25 July 2015)  
Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology published a paper on ....'.No Dark Matter’ Prediction from Dynamic Universe Model Came True!....on July 05, 2015'
No Dark Matter’ Prediction from Dynamic Universe Model Came True!
Published on July 05, 2015
Volume 3 • Issue 1 • 1000117
see link below...
( 20 July 2015)  

Journal of Tensor society published a paper in Special Vol. 8 (2014), pp.77-92 ............. Dynamic Universe Model Applications into Prediction of Blue Shifted Galaxies, VLBI Applications and other New Possible

( 07 July 2015)  

Participating in Viva-voce for Doctoral students of Astrophysics

( 27 June 2015)
Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology accepted my submission entitled "'No Dark Matter' prediction from Dynamic Universe Model came true!" { number: OMICS Engineering Journals-15-528.}

( 27 May 2015)

The paper on New Horizons Satellite trajectory predictions was accepted in Canada, Published by journal of Canadian Center of Science and Education called... "Applied Physics research." This paper was rejected earlier. {See posts dated 28 and29 Dec, 2014 below...}

( 11 June 2015)

My biography in Telugu Wikipedia
THE Wikipedia administration created a essay about me in Telugu Wikipedia. see the link

( 29 Dec 2014)

Documents of New Horizons Satellite 2017 Trajectory Predictions
Please see the set of documents regarding “Trajectory Predictions up to year 2017 for New Horizons Satellite”. Here the Rejected file in the PDF and doc forms, Bealls list of Journals (which is the basis for rejecting my paper), Table5 and Table6 of Trajectory in xls form and the reject e-mail from Elsevier’s journal: Advances in Space Research. All the docs are available at this web page and anybody can download them.

( 25 May 2014)

Paper published 'Dynamic Universe Model Explains the Variations of Gravitational Deflection Observations of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry'

(25 April 2014)

A paper was published in" NONLINEAR STUDIES",   a MATHEMATICAL Journal from USA, Published "Mathematics of dynamic universe model explain pioneer anomally"

( 13-Jan-2014)
Dynamic Universe Model’s Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!Paper published in APR Canada;postID=1160386944718874827;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=3;src=postname


Invited presentation at ICDGR 13 Gorakhpur UP!


"IT from Bit or Bit from IT"  what is correct? see
 Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background.

Chairing a session In National Seminar on Mathematics, BIT, Durg, 15th -16th March 2013


Paper on ".An Introduction to Dynamic Universe Model "

(13-Dec-2012): Id is not supported by Indiatimes


Quantum Mechanics & Dynamic Universe Model


Time in Dynamic Universe Model...


Quasar spectra are as a rule interpreted as having been redshifted even when there is an equally good or better case for a blueshifted spectrum


Main foundations of Dynamic Universe Model...
The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi): Two discussions on Blue shifted  Galaxies

CAN we neglect the gravitation of SUN and MOON on Earth?
Please see for an answer...
ICDGR 12 Accepted my paper on Dynamic Universe Model during  Nov 20-22, 2012, AMU, Mathematics Dept, Aligarh
News paper Hitavada Published my photo 13/10/2012 Raipur cityline 8 page
It is regarding fourth book publication.....
Who is better? Astrophysicist or Basketball player?

Discussion with Forrest Noble on New 4 th book published in Germany: 'SITA: Dynamic Universe Model: Blue Shifted Galaxies Prediction' questions and answers

New 4 th book published in Germany:SITA: Dynamic Universe Model: Blue Shifted Galaxies Prediction


The most distant Quasar eso1122 found to have a Blue Shift of 0.110473.


Three papers are being  presented at 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2012 

What is left of basic Bigbang theory Foundations now........?


32 % are Blue shifted Galaxies...

Quasars are blue shifted Galaxies. 248 papers can be found in NASA 's ADS search as given in post .....

New thread on evidences on Blackholes started .....
New thread on  CMB started .....
New thread on  blue shifted Galaxies .....
Quasars are blue shifted Galaxies See what different authors say...
Ratio of Red shifted to Blue shifted Galaxies:
Dynamic Universe Model: SITA simulations predicted the existence of the large number of Blue shifted Galaxies in 2004 itself, ie., more than about 35 ~ 40 numbers known at the time of Astronomer Hubble in 1930s

SAP-HANA for Steel Industry
I presented a Paper ‘SAP- HANA for Steel Industry’see CV for details
A copy of the paper can be down loaded from:

Prediction Blue shifted Galaxies

For Report and Photos of Conference on “Emerging Areas in Pure & Applied Mathematics” see the link below.... 

Invited talk in Conference on “Emerging Areas in Pure & Applied Mathematics”  


Eighth: Some Presentations in Physics  
‘Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary’, presented in Symposium on Early Universe SEU, Dec 20-22; 1994, IIT, Madras, India, Proceedings Page 54. MULTIPLE BENDING OF LIGHT RAY IN OUR DYNAMIC UNIVERSE; A COMPUTER SIMULATION.
SNP.Gupta,  Gr15: 15th international conference on gravitational conference on gravitation and relativity, pune, India. 16-21 DEC 1995\7. P116; a6.32 (1997),;
SNP. GUPTA, and ’  presented in SIGRAV, 18-22 September 2000 , Italy; Edited by R. Cianci, R. Collina, M. Francaviglia, and P. Fré (Eds) in Book  “Recent Developments in General relativity  Genoa 2000” published by Springer- Verlag Italia, Milano 2002, Page 389.
On DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology and SITA (Simulation of Inter-intra-Galaxy Tautness and Attraction forces  with variable time step). The simulations in above  paper were changed to small time steps and  were accepted in British Gravity Meeting, in UK. 15-18 Sept 2004 the  international conference on gravitation.
SNP.GUPTA, DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology and SITA (Simulation of Inter-intra-Galaxy Tautness and Attraction forces  with higher time step). This paper was formally presented in GR17; The  17th international conference on  gravitation and relativity, in Dublin, Ireland, 18-24 July 2004. 
And on DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology and SITA  again Presented in ICR 2005 (International  Conference on Relativity) , at Amravati University , India, Jan 11- 14, 2005 .
On Missing mass , “DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy” Presented at OMEG05 Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies,  JAPAN
November 8-11, 2005  at Koshiba Hall, University of Tokyo, Tokyo . also in  “Missing mass in Galaxy  using regression analysis in DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology”
Presented at PHYSTAT05 Conference on 'Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology'’  held in Oxford, UK on Sept 12th  to 15th, 2005.
And “DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy” Presented in 7th Astronomical conf by HEL.A.S,. Kefallinia, Greece 8-11,Sept, 2005. 
SNP.GUPTA “DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy”  ( the theoretical Circular velocities are different to that of observed. Hence it is clear that the missing mass arises due to Calculation error, and nothing else and it does not exist in reality. )    CMB. This is the present paper. These papers were presented in PATHWAYS THROUGH AN ECLECTIC UNIVERSE conf held  at Tenerife, Spain, in 23rd to 27th 2007 April.
SNP.GUPTA: Invited talk in Conference on “Emerging Areas in Pure & Applied Mathematics” held on 25-26 Nov, 2011; at Kalyan P.G. Autonomous College Bhilai, C.G., INDIA, on “Tensors without Differential and Integral equations used in Dynamic Universe Model”
-SNP. Gupta: Three Papers are presented at Cospar 2012
three papers:
1.    Oral in Fundamental Physics in Space (H)- Study of Strong Gravity Using Gravitational and Electromagnetic Waves (H0.2)
2.    Oral in Panels (P) Satellite Dynamics for Earth and Solar System Sciences and Applications (PSD.1) - DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL PREDICTS THE TRAJECTORY OF NEW
HORIZONS SATELLITE GOING TO PLUTO.....PSD1-0012-12 room G001 Tue july 17
3.    POSTER in Fundamental Physics in Space (H) Dark Energy and Dark Matter (H0.1) - SINGULARITY FREE N-BODY  IMULATIONS CALLED `DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL' DON'T REQUIRE DARK MATTER H0.1-0023-12 POSTER room  sun-sat july 15 1600
-SNP. GUPTA in ICDGR 12 International Conference on Differential Geometry and General Relativity 2012,  Paper on "Introduction to Dynamic universe model"   Invited for oral presentation Nov20-22 2012, Mathematics Dept, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
SNP. Gupta: Chairing a 6 hour session In National Seminar on Mathematics, BIT, Durg, 15th -16th March 2013
Chaired a 6 hour session  and Presented Two papers in Math seminar “ AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Application of mathematical Modelling in science and technology” held at Bhilai institute of Technology , Durg, during 15th -16th March 2013. Papers by SNP Gupta are:
1.       Dynamic Universe Model explains discrepancies of Very Long Base line Interferometry
2.       An introduction to Dynamic Universe Model
-SNP.GUPTA: Gave lecture about Blue Shifted Galaxies in Digvijay College Rajnadgaon, CG, INDIA, to the mathematics  professors and students and other prof on  4th April 2013.
- SNP.Gupta : AICON-2013, CSIT, Durg ...Accepted the Paper Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.”  and Invited for  Oral Presentation,  during April 12th -13th, 2013 at AICON-2013, CSIT, Durg.
- SNP.Gupta : FQXi-2013, for ‘It from Bit or Bit from It’ ...Accepted paper “Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background” on Apr. 26, 2013 @ 18:25 GMT, see

- SNP.Gupta : Paper “An Introduction to Dynamic Universe Model” published in 'International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews' ISSN: 2279-0543  ref IJSRR 2013, 2(1) Suppl., 203-226.
You can down load this paper from the link after date 23.May.2013

-SNP. GUPTA in ICDGR 13 International Conference on Differential Geometry and General Relativity 2013,  Paper on ".Dynamic Universe Model Applications into Prediction of Blue Shifted Galaxies, VLBI applications and other new possible avenues...."   Invited for oral presentation for 30 min, during Nov09-11 2013, Mathematics Dept, University of Gorakhpur , UP.

-Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP. Gupta) :  Paper published in Applied Physics research, Canada,Dynamic Universe Model’s Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!;
Applied Physics Research; Vol. 6, No. 2; 2014   ISSN 1916-9639 E-ISSN 1916-9647 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education  Received: January 13, 2014 Accepted: February 8, 2014 Online Published: February 17, 2014 doi:10.5539/apr.v6n2p8 URL:  
-SNP Gupta, JVS Murty, SSV Krishna A paper was published in" NONLINEAR STUDIES",   a MATHEMATICAL Journal from USA, Mathematics of dynamic universe model explain pioneer anomally  Vol 21, No 1 (2014)
Paper Abstract...
-SNP Gupta: Paper published 'Dynamic Universe Model Explains the Variations of Gravitational Deflection Observations of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry' in Applied Physics Research, Canada,  Vol 6, No 4 (2014).    Full Text: PDF Table 1 Table 2 Vak Table 3 Results 71 columns Vak Table 4 Consolidation of Ite DOI: 10.5539/apr.v6n4p1
-SNP GuptaPaper published 'Dynamic Universe Model Explains the Variations of Gravitational Deflection Observations of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry' in Applied Physics Research, Canada,   Vol 6, No 4 (2014) Full Text: PDF Table 1 Table 2 Vak Table 3 Results 71 columns Vak Table 4 Consolidation of Ite DOI: 10.5539/apr.v6n4p1

Copies of my earlier papers were kept here on the links below…

Nineth: Work in Electronics and Robotics

I presented a Paper ‘SAP- HANA for Steel Industry’ in National Conference on "Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing "  on March 17, 2012 held at Guru Gobind singh Indraprasta University, Dwarka, New Delhi. as a co-author  along with Ranjana Muley , Arun Kumar,  R.Sreenivasan, SNP. GUPTA, The PDF for the conference is
A copy of the paper can be down loaded from:
snp gupta's SkyDrive ► Public ► vak ► Hana for Steel Industry full paper.pdf 
In 1990 
I presented a paper ( RO-56) “Adaptive trajectory databases for Manipulator control” in International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV ’90), 18-21 September, 1990,  at Hilton International Singapore. SNP.Gupta
In 1985 
My Electronics paper came in magazine ‘Industrial Electronics Equipment Design’ A McGraw-Hill New York publication.
Presentations on SAP HANA
I presented a Paper ‘SAP- HANA for Steel Industry’ in National Conference on "Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing "  on March 17, 2012 held at Guru Gobind singh Indraprasta University, Dwarka, New Delhi. as a co-author  along with Ranjana Muley , Arun Kumar,  R.Sreenivasan, SNP. GUPTA, The PDF for the conference is
A copy of the paper can be down loaded from:
snp gupta's SkyDrive ► Public ► vak ► Hana for Steel Industry full paper.pdf 

I worked in Bhilai steel plant in various capacities from  1977 to 2014, with a short transfer for to Durgapur Steel plant.  I worked in Coke oven, Blast furnaces, Sintering plants, Rolling mills like Blooming and billet mill, Plate mill etc in Electrical and Electronic maintenance. In plate mill I worked in Process control computer section. 

Last 8 years I worked in Computers and Information technology department and SAP Plant Maintenance module.  Mapping of new departments,  Master data up-dating, (Codes and Catalogs, Equipment up-loading etc.)  Guiding and teaching customers for day to day usage , Creation and retrieval of maint notifications, Orders etc.