Monday, 18 July 2011

Dynamic universe Model: General Introduction

Dynamic Universe Model of Cosmology is a singularity free N-body solution. It uses Newton’s law of Gravitation without any modification. The initial coordinates of each mass with initial velocities are to be given as input. It finds coordinates, velocities and accelerations of each mass UNIQUELY after every time-step. Here the solution is based on tensors instead of usual differential and integral equations. This solution is stable, don’t diverge, did not give any singularity or divided by zero errors during the last 18 years in solving various physical problems. With this model, it was found with uniform mass distribution in space, the masses will colloid but no singularities. With non-uniform mass densities, the masses trend to rotate about each other after some time-steps and they don’t colloid. SITA (Simulation of Inter-intra-Galaxy Tautness and Attraction forces) is a simple computer implementable solution of Dynamic Universe Model and other solutions were possible. An arbitrary number of 133 masses were taken in SITA simulations using the same framework in solving various problems.
Euclidian space, real number based coordinate axes, no space-time continuum, non-uniform mass distribution, no imaginary dimensions, simple Engineering achievable physics are basis. This SITA simulation is a calculation method using a math framework and where we input values of masses, initial distances and velocities to get various results. Based on these it achieves a non-collapsing and dynamically balanced set of masses i.e. a universe model without Bigbang & Black-hole singularities. This approach solves many prevalent mysteries like Galaxy disk formation, Missing mass problem in Galaxy –star circular velocities, Pioneer anomaly, New Horizons trajectory calculations and prediction, Blue shifted Galaxies in Expanding Universe...  etc. With this Dynamic Universe model, we show Newtonian physics is sufficient for explaining most of the cosmological phenomena.
          In Dynamic Universe Model, there are no singularities and no collisions if we use heterogeneous mass distributions. When homogeneous mass distributions are used, there are collisions but no singularities. Resultant Universal Gravitational Force is calculated for each body for every timestep in all the three dimensions. Conservation of energy, moment etc, were taken into consideration as shown in the Mathematical formulation.

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