Monday, 18 July 2011

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of Universe: Non uniform Mass densities

Our universe is not having a uniform mass distribution.  Isotropy & homogeneity in mass distribution is not observable at any scale. We can see present day observations in ‘2dFGRS survey’ publications for detailed surveys especially by Colless et al in MNRAS (2001) [see 28] for their famous DTFE mappings, where we can see the density variations and large-scale structures.  The universe is lumpy as you can see in the picture given here in Wikipedia.
The universe is lumpy as you can see the voids and structures in the picture given by Fairall et al (1990) and in Wikipedia for a better picture. WMAP also detected cold spot see the report given by Cruz et al (2005) . They say ‘A cold spot at (b = -57, l = 209) is found to be the source of this non-Gaussian signature’ which is approximately 5 degree radius and 500 million light years. This is closely related with Lawrence Rudnick et al’s (2007) work, which says that there are no radio sources even in a larger area, centered with WMAP cold spot. It is generally known as ‘Great void’, which is of the order of 1 billion light years wide; where nothing is seen. They saw…” little or no radio sources in a volume that is about 280 mega-parsecs or nearly a billion light years in diameter. The lack of radio sources means that there are no galaxies or clusters in that volume, and the fact that the CMB is cold there suggests the region lacks dark matter, too. There are other big voids also up to 80 mpc found earlier which are optical.”
 There is the Sloan Great Wall, the largest known structure, a giant wall of galaxies as given by J. R. Gott III et al., (2005);  ‘Logarithmic Maps of the Universe’. They say “The wall measures 1.37 billion light years in length and is located approximately one billion light-years from Earth….The Sloan Great Wall is nearly three times longer than the Great Wall of galaxies, the previous record-holder”.
. Hence such types of observations indicate that our Universe is lumpy.  After seeing all these we can say that uniform density as prevalent in Bigbang based cosmologies is not a valid assumption.  Hence, in this paper we have taken the mass of moon as moon & Galaxy as Galaxy employing non uniform mass densities.

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