Sunday, 17 July 2011

What is Dynamic Universe Model &SITA?

Black holes and Bigbang are mathematical singularities. If we formulate the problem of N-bodies a solution will come without singularities using only Newtonian (Classical)Physics. It is Dynamic Universe Model. It provides solution to many unsolved problems ……..

You please have look in this method and this tensor solution also. It is SITA solution for Dynamic Universe Model. There are more than 21000 equations working in a simple EXCEL sheet, which can be verified by anyone who has PC. All the equations are tested individually. And tested in a group for the final result  

Here in Dynamic Universe Model all bodies move and keep themselves in dynamic equilibrium with all other bodies depending on their present positions, velocities and masses.  The mathematical portion is exactly same with133 point mass structure for all these derived results given below…
1. Galaxy Disk formation using Dynamic Universe Model (Densemass) Equations [See ref for chapter]
2. Solution to Missing mass in Galaxies:  It proves that there is no missing mass in Galaxy due to circular velocity curves [ref]
3. Explains gravity disturbances like Pioneer anomaly, etc [ref].
4. Non-collapsing Large scale mass structures formed when non-uniform density distributions of masses were used [ref]
5. Offers Singularity free solutions.
6. Non- collapsing Galaxy structures
7. Solving Missing mass in Galaxies, and it finds reason for Galaxy circular velocity curves….
8. Blue shifted and red shifted Galaxies co-existence…
9. Explains the force behind expansion of universe.
10. Explains the large voids and non-uniform matter densities.
11. Predicts the trajectory of New Horizons satellite.
12 Withstands 105 times the Normal Jeans swindle test
13. Explaining the Existence of large number of blue shifted Galaxies etc…..
Only differences used between the various simulations are in the initial values & the time steps. The structure of masses is different. In the first 2 cases, I have used approximate values of masses and distances. In the third and fourth case, I have used real values of masses and distances for a close approximation.

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