Friday, 18 August 2017

International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO)

International Journal of Scientific Research Organization (IJSRO) published two papers 


Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model 
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta) 
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant, 
Res 1B / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008

Abstract: This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the “light rays and other electromagnetic radiation” passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles like “neutrinos, positrons, electrons, protons and neutrons” behave like waves also. We should remember the wave particle duality. Hence frequency enhancing is applicable here also. So in other words change in frequency can go further to converting radiation into matter like micro particles as stated above. Here in this paper we will discuss further into different element formations. And we will see some possible electrochemical reactions that are possible at high temperature and pressure for formation of these different elements.

Keywords: Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies , Red shifted Galaxies, Grazing radiation frequency changes, Formation of Elements, Nucleosynthesis


Rotating Universe and Simultaneous Existence of Red and Blue shifted
Galaxies in Dynamic Universe Model

Abstract—According to Dynamic Universe Model, our Universe is a Rotating Universe. In this model, electrons rotate about nucleus; Moons rotate about planets; Planets, asteroid and comets etc., rotate about stars; stars rotate about Galaxy center; Galaxies rotate about common center of local systems; and similarly Systems rotate in Ensembles, Aggregate, Conglomerations and Galaxy Clusters and so on and so forth. Galaxies coming near are Blue shifted and going away are red shifted. There are many blue shifted Galaxies in our universe. Here in this paper we will see different simulations to make such predictions from the output pictures formed from the Dynamic Universe model. There are some old and a few new simulations where different point masses are placed in different distances in a 3D Cartesian coordinate grid; and are allowed to move on universal gravitation force (UGF) acting on each mass at that instant of time at its position. The output pictures depict the three dimensional orbit formations of point masses after some iterations. In an orbit so formed, some Galaxies are coming near (Blue shifted) and some are going away (Red shifted). In this paper the simulations predicted the existence of a large number of Blue shifted Galaxies, in an expanding universe, in 2004 itself. Over 8,300 blue shifted galaxies have been discovered extending beyond the Local Group, was confirmed by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations in the year 2009. Thus Dynamic Universe model predictions came true

Keywords  —Dynamic Universe Model, Rotating Universe, Blue shifted Galaxies, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies ,


IJSRO Journal <>
Snp Gupta <>
Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:45 PM
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IJSRO Journal <>
Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:45 PM
To: Snp Gupta <>
Dear Sir

    In connection to your phone call conversation with Mr. Ramkumar, he requested us to publish your paper in July issue itself. With this mail I enclosed your paper. The paper which you send 6 days back was updated in our website. Kindly find in the below link or you may visit our website for July issue. 

Kindly made payment of Rs. 1000/- for past publications to Mr. Ramkumar. 

Thanks in Advance

With regards, 

Snp Gupta <>
Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:30 AM
To: IJSRO Journal <>
Dear Sir,
I sent money 1000 see screen shots in seperate mails

SNP. Gupta
Retired from Bhilai Steel Plant
 Residence 1B / Street 57 / Sector 8
Bhilai 490006
CG India

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