Sunday, 3 August 2014

A paper was published in" NONLINEAR STUDIES", a MATHEMATICAL Journal from USA, Published "Mathematics of dynamic universe model explain pioneer anomally"

A paper was published in" NONLINEAR STUDIES",   a MATHEMATICAL Journal from USA, with the blessings from Prof Vasundhara Devi HOD math dept.

Mathematics of dynamic universe model explain pioneer anomally

SNP Gupta, JVS Murty, SSV Krishna


A new type of tensor mathematics used in Dynamic universe model can be used to solve the Pioneer Anomaly. “The Pioneer anomaly or Pioneer effect is the observed deviation from expectations of the trajectories of various unmanned spacecraft visiting the outer solar system, notably Pioneer 10
and Pioneer 11. Both spacecraft are escaping from the solar system, and are slowing down under the influence of the Sun’s gravity.” as described by Wikipedia. Dynamic universe model of cosmology explains Pioneer anomaly. It shows effectively the acceleration due to gravity of SUN increases towards
SUN, approximately beyond Mercury -4.44202E-07 m/sec2 ; beyond MOON -2.11409E-08 m/sec2 ; beyond Mars -2.11E-08 08 m/sec2 ; beyond Jupiter -2.30844E-05 m/sec2; beyond Saturn -2.44565E-06 m/sec2 ; beyond Uranus -8.91522E-08 m/sec2 and beyond Neptune -4.3E-09 m/sec2.
The negative sign indicates that the force is acting towards SUN in the same direction as SUN’s acceleration due to gravity. These values are approximate and depend not only on distance from SUN to the test particle, but also overall effect of gravitation of near by stars, Milkyway and its center,
globular clusters and Local system.


Paper Abstract...

Paper published Introduction to Dynamic Universe Model

SNP. Gupta. (2013). Introduction to Dynamic Universe Model. International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, 2(1), 203-226.
 International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews

Gupta S N P IJSRR 2013, 2(1) Suppl., 203-226 IJSRR 2013, 2(1) Special Issue April-May 2013 Page 203 Research article Available online ISSN: 2279-0543

Dynamic Universe Model’s Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!

SNP. Gupta “Dynamic Universe Model’s Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!” Applied Physics Research; Vol. 6, No. 2; 2014, Page 8,  ISSN 1916-9639 E-ISSN 1916-9647, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education  URL:

Dynamic Universe Model’s Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!

Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta


This paper discusses about Dark matter or Missing mass in Galaxies. In this work the tensor mathematics called Dynamic Universe Model was used to find out theoretical star circular velocity curves in a Galaxy. Here we are presenting four main cases. In the first case, there is a Galaxy with huge central mass at the center, sun like stars and external galaxies are present in the calculations; only in this case the theoretical predictions of circular velocity curves (star circular velocity verses star distance from the center of galaxy) were matching with the observed velocities. In the later three cases either the huge central mass was absent or external galaxies were absent or both were absent, the theoretical circular velocities did not match the observations. Hence the question of missing mass / dark matter does not arise as it is only a calculations error. This prediction was first presented in Tokyo University in 2005, that No dark matter (Missing mass) is required according to Dynamic Universe Model. Later the findings from LUX in 2013 the (Large Underground Xenon) experiment confirmed this prediction.

Full Text: PDF ppt JPG DOI: 10.5539/apr.v6n2p8

Prediction “No Dark Matter” in the Universe Came True!

Received: January 13, 2014 Accepted: February 8, 2014 Online Published: February 17, 2014

doi:10.5539/apr.v6n2p8 URL:
This paper discusses about Dark matter or Missing mass in Galaxies. In this work the tensor mathematics called

Dynamic Universe Model was used to find out theoretical star circular velocity curves in a Galaxy. Here we are

presenting four main cases. In the first case, there is a Galaxy with huge central mass at the center, sun like stars

and external galaxies are present in the calculations; only in this case the theoretical predictions of circular

velocity curves (star circular velocity verses star distance from the center of galaxy) were matching with the

observed velocities. In the later three cases either the huge central mass was absent or external galaxies were

absent or both were absent, the theoretical circular velocities did not match the observations. Hence the question

of missing mass / dark matter does not arise as it is only a calculations error. This prediction was first presented

in Tokyo University in 2005, that No dark matter (Missing mass) is required according to Dynamic Universe

Model. Later the findings from LUX in 2013 the (Large Underground Xenon) experiment confirmed this


Applied Physics Research; Vol. 6, No. 2; 2014

ISSN 1916-9639 E-ISSN 1916-9647

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education