behavior and motions of neutral particles like Photons, Neutrons, and Neutrinos
in gravitational fields is an important
area and something mostly unexplored in Quantum mechanics. The Basic difference
between ‘Quantum information’ and ‘Quantum Random motions’ is quantum
information mainly covers the states of charged particles like electrons and
keeps mum about the random motions neutrons, neutrino etc., whereas ‘Quantum
Random motions’ describes random motions of all particles. There will be
controlled motions due to charge, but the additional motions, which are beyond
the purview Electro Static Forces are well described by ‘Quantum Random
motions’ are due to UGF in Dynamic Universe model. From 1935, Einstein,
Podolsky, and Rosen EPR Paradox, principles of locality (which states that distant objects can have
no direct influence on each other) are such unproved theories even after many
experiments for the last 100 years. To bring a possible conclusion, in this
project we are trying to calculate the total gravitation effect of distant
objects like SUN and the Galaxies over the random movements of particles. After
declaration of space-time continuum by Einstein, physics started going nowhere.
This space-time continuum concept created more problems than giving solutions.
This space-time continuum is not necessary. Gravity is existing in the matter.
Acceleration and Gravity are different from each other.
We use the mathematics of Dynamic Universe model, which is
non-speculative, based on real observational data. Dynamic Universe model
results are theoretical explanations to real observations, which is
something like Quantum mechanics.