Friday, 19 May 2017

"The August 21 ‘All-American’ Eclipse of the Sun” @Foothill

There will be a solar eclipse on 21 Aug 2017 in whole USA, of which I am giving details below...
Can any one of you please help mefor finding an astrophysicist who can help me in conducting this experiment....Can you please arrange observation of frequency shifting as predicted by Dynamic Universe model on Aug 21, 2017 in solar eclipse in USA?

 "The August 21 ‘All-American’ Eclipse of the Sun” @Foothill

  • Smithwick Theatre @ Foothill College

    12345 El Monte Rd, Los Altos, CA (map)
  • On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 7 p.m., astronomer Andrew Fraknoi of Foothill College will give a free, illustrated, non-technical talk on: 

    “The Sky Event of the Decade: The August 21 ‘All-American’ Eclipse of the Sun” 

    in the Smithwick Theater at Foothill College in Los Altos. The talk is part of the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series, now in its 17th year. 

    NOTE: Everyone attending this lecture will receive a free pair of certified eclipse-viewing glasses courtesy of Google. 

    On August 21, 2017, there will be a rare eclipse of the Sun visible throughout the U.S. and all of North America.  People in a narrow path from Oregon to South Carolina will see a spectacular total eclipse, with the Moon briefly covering the Sun, and day turning into night.  Everyone else (an estimated 500 million people, including all of us in the Bay Area) will see a nice partial eclipse, where the Moon covers a good part of the Sun. The talk will describe how eclipses work, why they are one of nature’s most spectacular sights, what scientists learn during eclipses, exactly when and where the eclipse of 2017 will be best visible, and how to observe the eclipse safely. 

    After the talk, Fraknoi will be signing his new children’s book about eclipses When the Sun Goes Dark (2017, NSTA Kids) in Appreciation Hall across the courtyard. 

    Andrew Fraknoi is the chair of the astronomy department at Foothill College and the co-author of Solar Science: Exploring Sunspots, Seasons, Eclipses, and More, a book for educators. He appears regularly on local and national radio, explaining astronomical developments in everyday language, and was named California Professor of the Year in 2007.  He is also the lead author of a free, electronic, college textbook, Astronomy, published last year by OpenStax. With three colleagues, he is leading the effort to distribute 2 million eclipse glasses through public libraries, with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Google. 

    Foothill College is just off the El Monte Road exit from Freeway 280 in Los Altos. For directions and parking information, see: 

    For a campus map, see: 

    The lecture is co-sponsored by:
    The SETI InstituteThe Astronomical Society of the PacificNASA Ames Research CenterThe Foothill College Astronomy Program.
    We get large crowds for these talks, so we ask people to try to arrive a little bit early to find parking. The lecture is free, but there is a charge of $3 for parking on campus and exact change is appreciated. 

    Past lectures in the series can be found on YouTube at
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Monday, 15 May 2017

Paper on " Prediction of Blue Shifter Galaxie came true" in General science journal today

Existence of Many Blue Shifted Galaxies in the Universe by Dynamic Universe Model Came True

 This paper is available for free downloads from General Science Journal from


Gupta, Satyavarapu Naga Paramewara
Research Papers
Date Published:

May 15, 2017


Dynamic Universe Model, Blue Shifted Galaxies, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), SITA Simulations
There are many blue shifted Galaxies in our universe. Here we will see old simulations to make such predictions from the output graphs using SITA simulations. There are four new simulations also presented here. In these sets of simulations, different point masses are placed in different distances in a 3D Cartesian coordinate grid; and these point masses are allowed to move on universal gravitation force (UGF) acting on each mass at that instant of time at its position. The output pictures depict the three dimensional orbit formations of point masses after some iterations. In an orbit so formed, some Galaxies are coming near (Blue shifted) and some are going away (Red shifted). In this paper, the simulations predicted the existence of a large number of Blue shifted Galaxies, in an expanding universe, in 2004 itself. Over 8300 blue shifted galaxies have been discovered extending beyond the Local Group by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the year 2009. Thus Dynamic Universe model predictions came true.








Paper published on "near light velocities observed in Astronomical Jets" in General Science journal today

This paper is available for free downloads from General Science Journal from

Explaining near light velocities observed in Astronomical Jets using SITA simulations


Gupta, Satyavarapu Naga Paramewara 

Research Papers
Date Published:
May 15, 2017

Dynamic Universe Model, Astronomical Jets, SITA simulations

Very high velocities like velocity of light are observed in astronomical jets from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such high velocity jet is explained using SITA simulations in this paper. For this purpose the velocity attained by a test neutron in the path traced by it is calculated and depicted using a setup of 133 bodies. This setup consisting of one densemass of the mass equivalent to Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. The velocity of particle attained in the path by this test neutron was found to be very high as observed in an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center. Dynamic Universe model can be used for such an application.

For further details...


New paper published on Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in General Science Journal today

.15 May 2017

Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model

This paper is available for free down loads from...
You can see full details of paper at....

Gupta, Satyavarapu Naga Paramewara
Research Papers


Date Pblished:

May 15, 2017


Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies , Red shifted Galaxies, Grazing radiation frequency changes, Formation of Elements, Nucleosynthesis
This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the “light rays and other electromagnetic radiation” passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles like “neutrinos, positrons, electrons, protons and neutrons” behave like waves also. We should remember the wave particle duality. Hence frequency enhancing is applicable here also. So in other words change in frequency can go further to converting radiation into matter like micro particles as stated above. Here in this paper we will discuss further into different element formations. And we will see some possible electrochemical reactions that are possible at high temperature and pressure for formation of these different elements.