Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Comparison between Dynamic Universe and Bigbang model

Now I feel it is high time to consider the other possible cosmological models also. People have seen both positive and negative sides of Bigbang based cosmologies. However, it is not that the Dynamic Universe Model explains every aspect of cosmology. Nevertheless, it tries to explain many aspects. Now let us compare the Dynamic Universe Model as an Alternative Cosmological model with Bigbang based cosmologies. I am requesting you to see the Comparison Table 30. Here we can see the Bigbang based cosmological models and their problems with achievements of Dynamic Universe Model.

Below is a Comparison Table: Here Bigbang vs. Dynamic Universe Model comparison done. The general questions and cosmological conditions which are supposed to be answered by any Cosmology model are given and comparison of various respective answers given by Bigbang based cosmological models with Dynamic Universe Model is shown.

General question answered by any theory (Cosmology condition) ………
Bigbang based cosmology
Dynamic Universe Model
It should say something about the creation of Universe / matter.
Required, In the form of Bigbang Singularity.

Not required, NO Bigbang Singularity, No SINGULARITY
It should explain about the expansion of Universe.

Says Universe is expanding, But keeps mum about explaining the force behind expansion.
Says Universe is expanding, But explains the force behind expansion.
It should say about the universe closed-ness,
Due to Space-time continuum and curvature.

Due to Classical Physics
It should explain Large scale structures etc.
Explained Using General relativity

Explained Using Total Universal Gravitational Force on Bodies
 Dark matter
Cannot explain missing mass, Concept of UNKNOWN dark matter required to explain many things
Explains missing mass, dark matter NOT required
 Dark energy

Concept of UNKNOWN dark energy required to explain many things

NOT required

It should tell about existence of Blue shifted Galaxies
Keeps mum No answer
Blue and red-shifted Galaxies can co-exist
It should explain about universe starting assumptions like uniform density of matter
Uniform density of matter required
Can explain large VOIDs, Based on NON uniform mass densities........

It should deal correctly with celestial mechanics Like pioneer anomaly
Predicts away from SUN Observed is TOWARDS SUN
Predicts towards SUN as Observed (Important)

It should calculate correctly the Trajectory of New horizons satellite to Pluto.
At present trajectory predictions done using thumb-rules not from any model
Theoretically Calculates Trajectory accurately

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