Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Conference on “Emerging Areas in Pure & Applied Mathematics” held on 25-26 Nov2011at Kalyan P.G. Autonomous College Bhilai

Conference ended nicely with lots of interactions and collaborations.

Official report on the conference…

Gopikant Goswami gk.goswami9@gmail.com
Nov 27 2011, (1 day ago)

to dr.djena, aditi_infotech, ajayddumath, aka, amit_ray786, amitabh_61, anish_mathuria, anjalioudhia, anu_chouhan, anurakeshbhilai, apoct0185, apurvadas1985, aradhana_sharm., artishree, arunrai18, arunpandey_2009, dr_arvindsinha., ashu_1959, ashwini_01g, asranadive04, avishek.adh, bacharya.etc, bld_1508, bsrmathou, kn, bnwaph

Dear Lourents! the two days seminar was successful in so many ways
we had invited talks from  a very able group of cosmologists headed by Prof Anirudh Pradhan who equipped us with the latest developments in cosmology. Prof. Pradhan gave talk on dark energy, the energy responsible for acceleration of the universe where as Prof Anil Yadav who was from Physics stream, presented a cosmological model in which he fitted the 350 observational datas and with the help of chi squire test he tried to show that his model fits best with the observations.In this sequel three feculties from Nagpur and Gorakhpur presented their research papers. There was also an invited talk by Prof Saubha Kotambker who presented basics of cosmology and relativity through pictures, diagrams and charts.She also presented his one cosmological model which underwent with healthy discussions amongst the participents.

We had a very academic and informative invited talk from Prof D.R.Sahu of Varanasi who presented latest developments,results and applications in the application of fixed points in varieties of functions, functionals and transformations The veteran Prof B.K.Sharma of Pt. Ravi shanker University appreciated and had given applauds to him.there were paper presentations by six researchers of Prof. Sahu.

 We heard a very interesting  invited talk from Prof Pankaj Srivastava who presented a mathematical heart machine in which if one inters his age ,blood pressure, kollostroy(spelling I don't Know), yogic and physical exercises etc, his heart conditions can be obtained.

Invited talk from Prof  P.Jha on  Super compact Topological vector space gathered interest and  The various participents and experts felt the need of its application. The researchers of Prof. Jha group presented their papers in varieties of domains of Mathematics.

There were presentations from a veteran Er. S.N.P. Gupta of B S P   who applied multi body dynamic problem based on Newtonian theory with computer aided simulations to form Dynamic model universe and Prof A.Narayan of B I T, Durg used it in getting the effect of oblateness and magnetic field of earth in the artificial two or more satellite.

There was an invited talk by Prof Rakesh Tiwari of Govt. College Durg and the Bilaspur group of faculties presented their papers on Approximation theory.
Above all  the key note address by Prof H K Pathak of  Pt. Ravi shanker University on the topic "From Geometry to Cryptography" had spoken his depth of knowledge and devotion towards the great subject Mathematics. The presentations with  informations and applications by young energetic scholars Miss Deepmala rai, Mrs Suja vergese and Mrs manju can not be overlooked. There are research scholars of Pt. Ravi shanker University.

Conference Photos can be found at

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