Sunday, 24 November 2013

Invited Presentation of Paper on Blue shifted Galaxies in ICDGR 13

The Excellent Hospitality shown by Prof Sudhir Srivastava of Math Dept of Gorakhpur Uty is un forgettable. The Photos can be seen at

See the mails below:

from: icdgr2013 <>
date: Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:25 AM
subject: invitation for the conference

Respected Dr Gupta
On behalf of the  Organizing Committee and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, I feel pleasure in inviting you to participate and deliver an Invited Talk (of 30 minutes duration) on the topic related with Differential geometry/General Relativity in the conference during Nov. 09-11, 2013. Please do inform about your travel schedule at your earliest. We shall provide you local hospitality. You will stay at University Guest House, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P.,INDIA-273009 I am sure your presence would considerably increase both scientific and social level of the conference. You would meet a number of friends and colleagues from the past and encounter many
new researchers.
Looking forward to meet you in November at
DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P.,INDIA-
With warm regards

Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava,
 Organising Secretary,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur-273009, INDIA,

from: icdgr2013 <>
to: Snp Gupta <>
date: Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:26 AM
subject: Re: invitation for the conference

We will give ac II fare from Durg to Gorakhpur and back. Your talk will be on first day as you wish to go on 10th. Kindly confirm it we will upload the programme on web site of the tensor society on 18th of this month
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava

Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava,
 Organising Secretary,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur-273009, INDIA,


.Dynamic Universe Model Applications into Prediction of Blue Shifted Galaxies, VLBI applications and other new possible avenues....   



a Affiliation : Bhilai Steel plant



Tensors are generally tough to understand interpret and appreciate. This is mainly because it is the number of equations that each tensor that will be subdivided into. The overall concept is difficult to comprehend. There is an additional headache, when tensors subdividing into differential and integral equations. Differential equations will not give unique solutions. Whereas Dynamic Universe Model gives a unique solution of positions, velocities and accelerations for each point mass in the system for every instant of time as its tensors subdivide into linear set of equations. This new method of Dynamic Universe Model is different from earlier mathematical methods. This can be used for solving general N-body problem. This method solved many unsolved problems earlier like Galaxy Disk formations,  Missing mass in Galaxies, Pioneer anomaly, Non-collapsing Large scale mass structures, New horizons trajectory predictions etc. Now attempts to solve new problems like

1. Mathematical Prediction of Existence of Blue shifted Galaxies

2. Explaining Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations

To support Dynamic Universe Model the we can find the following supporting observations

3. SN1987A- Neutrino emission

4. The first Redshifted Quasar 3C273 is blue shifted.

Slight explanations of above concepts

1. Mathematical Prediction of Existence of Blue shifted Galaxies announced in 2004 in Dynamic Universe Model came true. Dynamic Universe Model simulations predicted the existence of  the large number of Blue shifted Galaxies in 2004 itself, ie., more than about 35 ~ 40 numbers known at the time of Astronomer Hubble in 1930s. It was confirmed by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations in the year 2009. Today the known number of Blue shifted Galaxies is more than 7000 scattered all over the sky and the number is increasing day by day. In addition Quasars, UV Galaxies, X-ray, γ- Ray sources and other Blue Galaxies etc., are also Blue shifted Galaxies. Out of a 930,000 Galaxy spectra in the SDSS database, 40% are images for Galaxies; that gives to 558,000 Galaxies. There are 120,000 Quasars, 50,000 brotherhood (X-ray, γ-ray, Blue Galaxies take out full data for full claim) of quasars, 7000 blue shifted galaxies. That is more than 31.7% of available Galaxy count are Blue shifted. Just to support Bigbang theory, we are neglecting such a huge amount Blue shifted Galaxies. It appears it is a Godly Devotion to Bigbang cosmologies!

A paper titled ‘No big bang and general relativity:  Proves DUMAS (dynamic universe model of cosmology a computer simulation)’ with CODE: DSR894 was submitted to JOURNAL:  “Physical Review D (D15)’ on 24May04.

The actual ratio of Red shifted to Blue shifted Galaxies will depend on

1. Universal Gravitational Force acting on each Galaxy at that instant of time,

2. The position of the observer in the Universe

3. The actual point mass distribution in three dimensions at that instant of time. This ratio can never be 50:50.



2. Explaining Large variation in the Gravitational bending results of VLBI In this, the effect of Universal Gravitational Force is calculated on a Radio Photon by using a singularity free and collision free N-body problem solution called Dynamic Universe Model. Here the capabilities of this Dynamic Universe Model are extended into micro world i.e. to light photons and Radio wavelength photons and Neutrinos etc.  By doing so a real world Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations are explained.  The VLBI techniques give gravitational bending results in a wide range of values. Now Dynamic Universe Model explains reason for such variation. The basic difference is that where present day Physics considers gravitation effects of only Sun or the main gravitating body only, the Dynamic Universe Model considers Gravitational effect of Sun, Planets, Globular clusters, Milky-way, Local systems etc., and finds the Universal gravitational force vector at that instant of time for that configuration of the Universe.

The present day Physics considers gravitation effects of only the main gravitating body, whereas Dynamic Universe Model considers the Gravitational effect of Sun, Planets, Globular clusters, Milky-way, Local systems etc., and finds the Universal gravitational force vector at that instant of time, for that configuration of the Universe.

Can the gravitational effect of Universe be neglected near Sun? Tide caused by Sun and Moon in oceans-- We observe high tide and low tide in the mornings and evenings, or on full-moon-day and no-moon-day. These tides are caused by gravitation of Sun and Moon only. So we can not neglect gravitation effect of Sun and Moon on Earth.  For better accuracies we have to consider planets also….


Large variation in the Gravitational bending results of VLBI: Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) , in the field of Radio astronomical observations of quasars, Galaxies etc. This variation is clearly visible when the solar gravitational bending / deflection angle is plotted against Solar Elongation angle.


Shapiro et al, 2004 [13]: ‘Measurement of Solar Gravitational Deflection of VLBI data   of Radio waves’. Their data set consists of measurements, each of 24-hour session observations (‘‘experiments’’), totalling about 2500, spanning over the years 1979–1999 ( for 87 VLBI sites and 541 radio sources). Differences between global estimates of γ  in fig 3 --- clearly indicates the variation in the Gravitational bending angle of radio waves


Ojars J. Sovers et al (1997) [12]: also mentioned in their results about such variation. They gave a detailed description of different experiments, a good history and the experiments that gave higher accuracies for angular positioning, for point-like extragalactic radio sources at the sub-milliarcsecond (nanoradian) level.


E. Fomalont et al in Apr 2009 [5]: observed position changes with respect to session and Frequency in their paper.  These  due to Universal Gravitational force


3. SN1987A- Neutrino emission from supernova before the star bursts’ is an important discovery, when viewed from ‘Dynamic universe model of cosmology’ point of view. In OMEG05, we have successfully presented the reasons for calculation error called ‘missing mass’ in an inhomogeneous, anisotropic and multi-body Dynamic universe Model, where this error is not occurring. But there are some new voices that say about generation of some flavors of neutrinos during Bigbang. We find from SN1987A Neutrino generation covers all flavors. Remaining flavors of Neutrinos are generated from sun and stars. This covers the whole spectrum. This paper covers all these aspects.

          4. The first Redshifted Quasar 3C273 is blue shifted.

The author Schmidt in 1963 published the first paper on a quasar declaring it as red shifted [1].  He said:

“Spectra of the star were taken with the prime-focus spectrograph at the 200-in. telescope with dispersions of 400 and 190 Å per mm. They show a number of broad emission features on a rather blue continuum. The most prominent features, which have widths around 50 Å, are, in order of strength, at 5632, 3239, 5792, 5032 Å. These and other weaker emission bands are listed in the first column of Table 1.”

He concluded that this quasi stellar object now well known as Quasar. It is the nuclear region of a galaxy with a cosmological red-shift of 0.158, corresponding to an apparent velocity of 47,400 km/sec. The distance would be around 500 megaparsecs, and the diameter of the nuclear region would have to be less than 1 kiloparsec.

The first Redshifted Quasar 3C273 is Blue shifted !

The Table 1 shown below embeds the table 1 of Dr Schmidt in the first 4 columns. The remaining columns show how the quasar is blue shifted for the same wavelengths. I.e., the same wave lengths of his observations were used in this paper to show this same quasar 3C273 is Blue shifted. To support further on this, the spectrum observations made by other three more authors were also discussed in this paper. The checking of the first Redshifted Quasar 3C273 for a possibility of blue shift was tried mainly because of the observation of Dr. Schmidt saying this Quasars 3C273’s spectrum is in the “blue continuum” [1]. The Quasars are known for some of the irregularities in the spectrum like some spectral lines match exactly with the some elemental lines with some blue / redshift ratio while some other prominent lines don’t match for the same ratio.

Basically many astronomers in their published papers said that sodium line, Carbon line CIV etc., are blue shifts other lines. There are observed variation in quasars in the lines w.r.t other lines in the known spectrums. If the quasars are taken as blue shifted such variation will be very very less or even cease  to exist. To explain such phenomenon Bigbang based cosmologists take the help of  million light years length of sodium  with a velocity of jet at 50000000 meters / second in the case of this 3C273. How such length of sodium can exist I don’t know.

In the Table 1, in addition to the original values given by Dr. M. Schmidt, four new columns were added. These columns show the possible blue shift of ‘(-0.143122)’ of the Quasar 3C273 and the resulting wavelengths after the blue shift. SDSS website gives different possible wavelengths in angstrom units in their webpage on ‘Algorithms - Emission and absorption line fitting’ [4].  These wavelengths were chosen as they will be more authentic and accurate.  Please note there are some slight differences in the numerical values in wavelengths as given by Schmidt and SDSS webpage.



Table 1. Wave-lengths and Identifications as given by Dr. M. Schmidt
Table 1: Observations in this paper
0 from SDSS
Note 1
Note 1
Note 2
blue continuum
Note 3
blue continuum
Note 3


Note 1:  Later measurements of this QUASAR 3C273 at wavelengths 4595 and 4793 show dips or flatter curves instead of peaks (absorption spectra instead of emission spectra).

Dr. M. Schmidt’s paper “3C 273: A Star-like Object with Large Red-shift”, published in  Nature 197, 1040 (1963)

Algorithms - Emission and absorption line fitting of SDSS


Thursday, 31 October 2013

DARK matter is mathematically and theoretically NOT required in Dynamic Universe Model

Lab Experiments DON'T show dark matter !!

Please Have a look at Today's (31.10.2013) Times of India, ( This link was sent by my son)

Search for dark matter comes up empty so far -

This is the second time Mathematical and theoretical predictions came true for Dynamic universe model !!

I presented papers in various countries that dark matter is mathematically and theoretically NOT required in 2005.

SNP. GUPTA On Missing mass , “DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy” Presented at OMEG05 Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, Tokyo university, Tokyo,  JAPAN

SNP. GUPTA, DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy” Presented in 7th Astronomical conf by HEL.A.S,. Kefallinia, Greece 8-11,Sept, 2005. 

SNP. GUPTA “DYNAMIC UNIVERSE MODEL of cosmology: Missing mass in Galaxy”  ( the theoretical Circular velocities are different to that of observed. Hence it is clear that the missing mass arises due to Calculation error, and nothing else and it does not exist in reality.    CMB. This is the present paper. These papers were presented in PATHWAYS THROUGH AN ECLECTIC UNIVERSE conf held  at Tenerife, Spain, in 23rd to 27th 2007 April.

Content of the TOI paper news of above link

Search for dark matter comes up empty so far

In this October 29, 2013, photo is a 6-foot-tall titanium tank is filled with almost a third of a ton of liquid xenon at the Large Underground Xenon Experiment to find dark matter at Sanford Underground Research Facility deep in an abandoned gold mine in Lead, South Dakota. (AP photo)


LEAD (South Dakota): Nearly a mile underground in an abandoned gold mine, one of the most important quests in physics has come up empty-handed in the search for the elusive substance known as dark matter, scientists announced Wednesday.

The most advanced Earth-based search for the mysterious material that has mass but cannot be seen turned up "absolutely no signal" of dark matter, said Richard Gaitskell of
Brown University, a scientist working on the Large Underground Xenon experiment. A detector attached to the International Space Station has so far also failed to find any dark matter.

Physicists released their initial findings on Wednesday after the experiment's first few months of operation at the
Sanford Underground Research Facility, which was built in the former Homestake gold mine in South Dakota's Black Hills.

With 4,580 feet (1,400 meters) of earth helping screen out background radiation, scientists tried to trap dark matter, which they hoped would be revealed in the form of weakly interacting massive particles, nicknamed WIMPS. The search, using the most sensitive equipment in the world, tried looking for the light fingerprint of a WIMP bouncing off an
atomic nucleus of xenon cooled to minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 101 Celsius).

But nothing was found, said co-investigator Daniel McKinsey, a physicist at Yale University. The team plans to keep looking for another year, but McKinsey and Gaitskell were not optimistic about finding
dark matter with the current setup. They are already planning to build a more sensitive experiment on the site, using a bigger tank of xenon.

"The short story is that we didn't see dark matter interacting, but we had the most sensitive search for dark matter ever performed in the world," McKinsey said.

The lab, in a bright, clean space at the end of an old mining tunnel filled with pipes and electric cables, is reached by a 10-minute ride in an elevator that once carried miners. Gaitskell and McKinsey said the experiment has far less radiation interference from cosmic rays than any other dark-matter lab.

Essentially, scientists are searching for something they are fairly sure exists and is crucial to the entire universe. But they do not know what it looks like or where to find it. And they are not sure if it's a bunch of light particles that weakly interact or if it is more like a black hole.

"It's ghost-like matter," McKinsey said.

"We are really searching in the dark in a way," said
Harvard University physicist Avi Loeb, who is not part of the LUX team. "We have no clue. We don't know what this matter is."

But they keep looking. Gaitskell has been hunting for dark matter for 25 years, originally thinking the effort would take five years. "It's like the pursuit of the Holy Grail, but hopefully this has a different outcome."

Even more so than the recently discovered
Higgs Boson, dark matter is central to the universe.

"Dark matter holds every cosmic structure in the
universe together," including our own galaxy, said University of Chicago cosmologist Michael Turner, president of the American Physical Society. Turner was not part of the LUX study.

About one-quarter of the universe is comprised of dark matter — five times that of the ordinary matter that makes up everything we see. Dark matter is often defined by what it isn't: something that can be seen and something that is energy.

Researchers are pretty sure dark matter exists, but they are not certain what it is made of or how it interacts with ordinary matter. Dark matter is vital to all the scientific theories explaining how the universe is expanding and how galaxies interact and move.

"We know there's stuff out there that is something else and that makes these searches hugely important because we know we are
missing most of the universe," said Neal Weiner, director of the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics at New York University, who was not part of the search.

Gaitskell and McKinsey said they looked for three "candidate WIMP events" that other teams' experiments hinted at finding. And LUX came up completely empty, indicating that those other experiments must not have found anything.

One of the experimenters, Juan Collar of the University of Chicago, said he wanted to see the details from the LUX results before assessing how it affected his work.

The lack of success could just mean the equipment isn't sensitive enough, so bigger, more sensitive and expensive equipment will be needed, Gaitskell and McKinsey said.

Or it could be, considering the lack of knowledge about what dark matter really is, that "perhaps we're going in the wrong direction," Loeb said.

He said dark matter is most likely a particle and that fits with current theory. But if it is more like a small black hole, physicists will not uncover it in this type of search. Or it may be so small, we cannot find it.