J. T. S. ISSN : 0974-5428
Special Vol. 8 (2014), pp.77-92
Dynamic Universe Model Applications into Prediction of Blue
Shifted Galaxies, VLBI Applications and other New Possible
Bhilai Steel plant
(Received: November 11, 2013)
Tensors are generally tough to understand interpret and appreciate. This
is mainly because it is the number of equations that each tensor that will be
subdivided into. The overall concept is difficult to comprehend. There is an ad-
ditional headache, when tensors subdividing into differential and integral equa-
tions. Differential equations will not give unique solutions. Whereas Dynamic
Universe Model gives a unique solution of positions, velocities and accelerations
for each point mass in the system for every instant of time as its tensors subdi-
vide into linear set of equations. This new method of Dynamic Universe Model
is different from earlier mathematical methods. This can be used for solving
general N-body problem. This method solved many unsolved problems earlier
like Galaxy Disk formations, Missing mass in Galaxies, Pioneer anomaly, Non-
collapsing Large scale mass structures, New horizons trajectory predictions etc.
Now attempts to solve new problems like
1. Mathematical Prediction of Existence of Blue shifted Galaxies
2. Explaining Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations
To support Dynamic Universe Model the we can nd the following supporting
3. SN1987A- Neutrino emission (Supporting Existence of Blue Shifted Galax-
4. The First Redshifted Quasar 3C273 is blue shifted. (Supporting Exis-
tence of Blue Shifted Galaxies)
5. The most distant Quasar eso1122 found to have a Blue Shift of 0.110473
(Supporting Existence of Blue Shifted Galaxies)
1. IntroductionTensors are generally tough to understand interpret and appreciate. This
is mainly because it is the number of equations that each tensor that will be
subdivided into. The overall concept is difficult to comprehend. There is an
additional headache tensors subdividing into differential and integral equations.
We all know, Newtonian two body problem used differential equations.
Einstein's general relativity used tensors which in turn unwrap into differential
equations. Dynamic Universe Model uses tensors that will give simple equations
with interdependencies. Differential equations will not give unique solutions.
Whereas Dynamic Universe Model gives a unique solution of positions, velocities
and accelerations for each point mass in the system for every instant of time.
This new method of Dynamic Universe Model is different from earlier method of
solving general N-body problem. This method solves many unsolved problems
1. Galaxy Disk formation using Dynamic Universe Model (Densemass)
2. Solution to Missing mass in Galaxies: It proves that there is no missing
mass in Galaxy due to circular velocity curves
3. Explains gravity disturbances like Pioneer anomaly, etc
4. Non-collapsing Large scale mass structures formed when non-uniform
density distributions of masses were used
5. Offers Singularity free solutions.
6. Non- collapsing Galaxy structures
7. Solving Dark matter or Missing mass in Galaxies, and it nds reason
for Galaxy circular velocity curves. See 'The LUX: Large Underground
Xenon experiment and the detector attached to the International Space
Station DID NOT detect any `Dark matter' till the end of OCT 2013
after a year of searching [6, 8, 9, 10, 11].
8. Blue shifted and red shifted Galaxies co-existence
9. Explains the force behind expansion of universe.
10. Explains the large voids and non-uniform matter densities.
11. Predicts the trajectory of New Horizons satellite.
12. Withstands 105 times the Normal Jeans swindle test
13. Explaining the Existence of large number of blue shifted Galaxies etc.
 | Snp Gupta <snp.gupta@gmail.com> |
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