Sunday, 24 July 2016

Gravitational waves from two Blackholes collision Falsified by Stephen J. Crothers

Thank you Stephen Clothers,
For for sending me your paper.  Dynamic Universe Model falsified all the other Bigbang based myth, you completed the list  !!!

Dear Friends
Stephen Clothers sent me this paper about 5 hours back
This paper I kept at

Saturday, 23 April 2016

4 papers accepted in the 41st COSPAR, July 30 - August 7, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey

The 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly to be held July 30 - August 7, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey accepted 4 papers

The following papers are accepted from Mr Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta
April 15, 2016
Notice of Acceptance and Schedule, 41st COSPAR Scienti c Assembly, 30 July { 07 August 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
Dear Mr Naga Parameswara Gupta,
On behalf of the Council of the Committee on Space Research, I am pleased to inform you that your contribution to the 41st COSPAR Scienti c Assembly entitled: Dynamic Universe Model predicts frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses has been accepted and scheduled for a poster presentation in scienti c event H0.2. COSPAR
c/o CNES
2 place Maurice Quentin - 75039 Paris - France
TELEPHONE : +33 1 44 76 75 10 - FAX : +33 1 44 76 74 37
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In this paper, Dynamic Universe Model studies the light rays and other electromagnetic radiation passing grazingly near any gravitating mass. This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. Change in frequency depends on relative direction between ray and the Gravitating mass. Here in this paper we will mathematically derive the results and show these predictions.
Dynamic Universe Model uses a new type of Tensor. There are no di fferential or integral
equations here. No singularities and body to body collisions in this model. Many papers were published in USA and CANADA. See Dynamic Universe Model Blog for further details and papers
Dynamic Universe Model never reduces to General relativity on any condition. It uses a   different type of mathematics based on Newtonian physics. This mathematics used here is simple and straightforward. As there are no diff erential equations present in Dynamic Universe Model, the set of equations give single solution in x y z Cartesian coordinates for every point mass for every time step
Keywords: Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations ,
singularity-free cosmology

Very high velocities like velocity of light are observed in astronomical jets from the centres
of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such high velocity jet is
explained using SITA simulations in this paper. For this purpose the velocity attained by a
test neutron in the path traced by it is calculated and depicted using a setup of 133 bodies.
This setup consisting of one densemass of the mass equivalent to Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. The velocity of particle attained in the path by this test neutron was found to be very high as observed in an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center. Dynamic Universe model can be used for such an application.
Dynamic Universe Model uses a new type of Tensor. There are no di erential or integral
equations here. No singularities and body to body collisions in this model. Many papers were published in USA and CANADA. See Dynamic Universe Model Blog for further details and papers


Astronomical jets are observed from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such jet is explained using SITA simulations of Dynamic Universe Model. For this purpose the path traced by a test neutron is calculated and depicted using a set up of one densemass of the mass equivalent to mass of Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. Five di erent kinds of theoretical simulations gave positive results The path travelled by this test neutron was found to be an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center. This is another result from Dynamic Universe Model. It solves new problems like a. Variable Mass Rocket Trajectory Problem b. Explaining Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations c. Astronomical jets observed from Milkyway Center d. Prediction of Blue shifted Galaxies e. Explaining Pioneer Anomaly f. Prediction of New Horizons satellite trajectory etc. Dynamic Universe Model never reduces to General relativity on any condition. It uses a di fferent type of mathematics based on Newtonian physics. This mathematics used here is simple and straightforward. As there are no di erential equations present in Dynamic Universe Model,
the set of equations give single solution in x y z Cartesian coordinates for every point mass forevery time step



The Particles emerging from Astronomical Jets will have su cient velocities and they will have direction perpendicular to Galaxy center. As the central plane of Galaxies will have diff erent orientations the directions of astronomical jet also vary. There can be many origins for the Cosmic rays, but this can be another sources.
This is another result from Dynamic Universe Model. It solves new problems like a. Variable Mass Rocket Trajectory Problem b. Explaining Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) ob-servations c. Astronomical jets observed from Milkyway Center d. Prediction of Blue shifted Galaxies To support Dynamic Universe Model the we can nd the following supporting obser-vations a.Mathematical Prediction of Existence of Blue shifted Galaxies b. SN1987A- Neutrino emission c. The rst Redshifted Quasar 3C273 is blue shifted. (Supporting Existence of Blue Shifted Galaxies): d.The most distant Quasar eso1122 found to have a Blue Shift of 0.110473
(Supporting Existence of Blue Shifted Galaxies) Dynamic Universe Model never reduces to General relativity on any condition. It uses a di fferent type of mathematics based on Newtonian physics. This mathematics used here is simple and straightforward. As there are no di erential equations present in Dynamic Universe Model, the set of equations give single solution in x y z Cartesian coordinates for every point mass for every time step 

Friday, 4 March 2016

Astronomers spot galaxy a record 13.4 billion light-years from Earth...GN Z11 Galaxy (z = 11) at 13.4 billion light years away

 01 March 2016

"New galaxy impossibly bright and new-Arp Bolognesi paradox: GN Z11 Galaxy (z = 11) at 13.4 billion light years away
(...) Discovered by Hubble in Ursa Major.
Dov 'was that galaxy whose light
"It comes to us only now 400 million years after the Big Bang", on the celestial sphere of a few billion years ago ???
Good night,
Alberto Bolognesi



GmailSnp Gupta <>

5 messages

Alberto Bolognesi <>Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 5:16 AM

To: clod pot <>, Claudia Giordani <>,, bube231 <>, Daniele Carosati <>, Ferrabino <>, Carlo Colombo <>, "enrico. biava" <>, Snp Gupta <>,

Nuova galassia impossibilmente luminosa e nuovo paradosso Arp-Bolognesi:  GN Z11 Galaxy (z=11) a 13.4 miliardi di anni luce di distanza
(...) scoperta da Hubble in Ursa Major.
Dov' era quella galassia la cui luce
"ci giunge solo ora 400 milioni di anni dopo il Big Bang ", sulla sfera celeste di qualche miliardo di anni fa???
Alberto Bolognesi

Snp Gupta <>Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 8:51 AM

To: Alberto Bolognesi <>
Bcc: Forrest N <>, Kiron Gupta <>, vamsi krishna <>, jayanti venkata sitaram murty <>

Dear Bolognesi

How will Bigbang Explain this paradox...?
This Galaxy is formed to its fully bright stage in 400 million years after Bigbang...
How is that possible....?
[Quoted text hidden]

Alberto Bolognesi <>Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 9:31 AM

To: Snp Gupta <>

Two consequences for GZ 11 galaxy:
1) The Big Bang that never happened
2) Extragalactic redshifts do not measure distances.
Alberto Bolognesi
[Quoted text hidden]

Snp Gupta <>Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:11 PM

To: Alberto Bolognesi <>
Bcc: Kiron Gupta <>, vamsi krishna <>, jayanti venkata sitaram murty <>, Forrest N <>

You are correct,
Thank you for the nice supporting evidence to Dynamic Universe Model....
[Quoted text hidden]

Snp Gupta <>Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:54 PM

To: Alberto Bolognesi <>
Cc: clod pot <>, Claudia Giordani <>,, bube231 <>, Daniele Carosati <>, Ferrabino <>, Carlo Colombo <>, "enrico. biava" <>,
Bcc: vamsi krishna <>, Kiron Gupta <>, jayanti venkata sitaram murty <>

Dear Alberto Bolognrsi

"New galaxy impossibly bright and new-Arp Bolognesi paradox: GN Z11 Galaxy (z = 11) at 13.4 billion light years away
(...) Discovered by Hubble in Ursa Major.
Dov 'was that galaxy whose light
"It comes to us only now 400 million years after the Big Bang", on the celestial sphere of a few billion years ago ???
Good night,
Alberto Bolognesi

Thank you for providing another evidence for Another evidence for Dynamic Universe Model,
 Please have a look at the blog to know further about  Dynamic Universe Mode....


2016-03-04 5:16 GMT+05:30 Alberto Bolognesi <>:
[Quoted text hidden]

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Two new threads are started by me please comment

An astrophysical jet (hereafter 'jet') is a phenomenon often seen in astronomy, where streams of matter are emitted along the axis of rotation of a compact object. While it is still the subject of ongoing research to understand how jets are formed and powered, the two most often proposed origins are dynamic interactions within the accretion disk or a process from the central object (such as a black hole). When matter is emitted at speeds approaching the speed of light, these jets are called relativistic jets, because the effects of special relativity become important.

This is an Unsolved problem according to Wikipedia

 These are solved see....

Very high velocities like velocity of light are observed in astronomical jets from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such high velocity jet is explained using SITA simulations in this paper. For this purpose the velocity attained by a test neutron in the path traced by it is calculated and depicted using a setup of 133 bodies. This setup consisting of one densemass of the mass equivalent to Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances.

The velocity of particle attained in the path by this test neutron was found to be very high as observed in an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center. Dynamic Universe model can be used for such an application.

Astronomical jets are observed from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such jet is explained using SITA simulations of Dynamic Universe Model. For this purpose the path traced by a test neutron (or any mass from photon to chunk of asteroid) is calculated and depicted using a set up of one densemass of the mass equivalent to mass of Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. Five different kinds of theoretical simulations gave positive results
The path traveled by this test neutron was found to be an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

All my published papers are here

All my published papers are here. I will put other papers also here as and when they are published. All these are open access papers mostly. But my sis suggested they should be available at one place

Dynamic Universe model is a singularity free tensor based math model. The tensors used are linear without using any differential or integral equations. Only one calculated output set of values exists.  Data means properties of each point mass like its three dimensional coordinates, velocities, accelerations and it’s mass. Newtonian two-body problem used differential equations. Einstein’s general relativity used tensors, which in turn unwrap into differential equations. Dynamic Universe Model uses tensors that give simple equations with inter-dependencies. Differential equations will not give unique solutions. Whereas Dynamic Universe Model gives a unique solution of positions, velocities and accelerations; for each point mass in the system for every instant of time. This new method of Mathematics in Dynamic Universe Model is different from all earlier methods of solving general N-body problem.

This universe exists now in the present state, it existed earlier, and it will continue to exist in future also in a similar way. All physical laws will work at any time and at any place. Evidences for the three dimensional rotations or the dynamism of the universe can be seen in the streaming motions of local group and local cluster. Here in this dynamic universe, both the red shifted and blue shifted Galaxies co-exist simultaneously.

In this Dynamic Universe Model, different sets of point masses were taken at different 3 dimensional positions at different distances. These masses were allowed to move according to the universal gravitation force (UGF) acting on each mass at that instant of time at its position. In other words each point mass is under the continuous and Dynamical influence of all the other masses. For any N-body problem calculations, the more accurate our input data the better will be the calculated results; one should take extreme care, while collecting the input data. One may think that ‘these are simulations of the Universe, taking 133 bodies is too less.’ But all these masses are not same, some are star masses, some are Galaxy masses some clusters of Galaxies situated at their appropriate distances. All these positions are for their gravitational centres. The results of these simulation calculations are taken here. 

Here in these simulations the universe is assumed to be heterogeneous and anisotropic. From the output data graphs and pictures are formed from this Model.   These pictures show from the random starting points to final stabilized orbits of the point masses involved.   Because of this dynamism built in the model, the universe does not collapse into a lump (due to Newtonian gravitational static forces). This Model depicts the three dimensional orbit formations of involved masses or celestial bodies like in our present universe. From the resulting graphs one can see the orbit formations of the point masses, which were positioned randomly at the start. An orbit formation means that some Galaxies are coming near (Blue shifted) and some are going away (Red shifted) relative to an observer’s viewpoint.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

My Wiki Biography into UKRAINIAN language

Thank you IRKA sis for such fast help, it is with in three days of your Russian translation....

A great help to my biography in English Wikipedia.... My Friend and teacher Irina Sapanchikova of Kiev Ukraine Translated the wiki page into UKRAINIAN language...


Thursday, 4 February 2016

Wiki Page in Russian

My Friend and teacher Irene Sapozhnikova helped me...
She translated the Wiki page into Russian. Thanks to Irka

Friday, 15 January 2016

A friend and Guide Irina of Kiev wrote about me in facebook

see the link

Irene Sapozhnikova
15 Jan 2016
This page in Wikipedia belongs to a friend of mine with who I worked as an interpreter as long back as almost 34 years ago here in Kiev during his apprenticeship course as Bhilai Steel Plant computer engineer at Kiev Institute for Automation, the then leading scientific institute in the USSR as far as automation of the metallurgical, etc. processes were concerned.
Since Snp Gupta left in December, 1982 we were in touch as close friends.Lately he addressed me with a request to help him translate his wiki page to Russian. I hope I will do this both Russian and Ukrainian.
Now I address you, my international friends with the request: who can translate it into your native language for free as we all are free users of Wikipedia? Mr. Snp Gupta is a modest person and cannot afford it for money. He performed his researches on the cheapest computer which was a special point. And all his books were paid by the publishers.
Thank you beforehand
 Irina, Kiev, Ukraine

Wikipedia page in English

See the wiki page in English.....