Friday, 14 April 2017

New paper published in FQXi on Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe

.Bhilai FQXi 16122016
Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe
Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP. Gupta)
Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,
Res 1B  / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008

There are many distant Galaxies whose distances are about 30 Giga light years. There are Galaxies which were born just after 400 million years after Bigbang and which were born 6 to 7 billion years after Bigbang. In Dynamic Universe Model all the Galaxies are distributed at different distances and the Universe looks similar as it is now.  On 01March2016 the news of the discovery  about the observation of  most distant Galaxy ‘GNZ11 or GN11’having an light travel distance 13.4 Giga light years &  co-moving distance of 32 Giga light years and having a red shift z of 11.1 created quite a stir. There are many such Galaxies like EGSY8p7 (with z= 8.68, age =13.2) and EGS-zs8-1 (with z= 7.73, age =13.04). To show that Universe exists further to GNz11, a Galaxy at distance of 100 times 13.4 Billion light years (1.26862E+28 meters) is simulated and named it as GNz11 in this simulation. 132 more galaxies were assumed in the range (3.02001E+26 to 1.26862E+28) meter. Later distance of the first Galaxy was reduced by 50% and found the graphs of Universe become similar in both the simulations after 102 iterations.
Slowly life of the stars and hence subsequently the life of Galaxy will come to end because of their electromagnetic radiation. Galaxies tend to evolve from spiral to elliptical structure and they perish to form Blue clouds known as Galaxy "quenching". Hence we can say that our Universe had reproduction ability, which is a very slow process. Universe produces new Galaxies, and the already formed Galaxies perish slowly. Ours is single universe and is a closed one.  In other words, our Universe reproduces its Galaxies, as and when light and other electromagnetic radiation condenses to form enough matter.
Key words: Dynamic Universe Model, SITA Simulations, Methods: N-body simulations-Gravitation-Cosmology  
1. Introduction: Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose [37]  clearly demonstrated that the Trees, stones etc also behave like other life forms and react to alkalis, acids and poisons like arsenic.  The Universe also must have life or some form of intelligence of its own. To demonstrate this, the author wants to show one ability, which is present in any life form called “Reproduction”, which the Universe also possesses. The assumption here is that the Galaxies are offspring’s of the Universe. The concepts of Dynamic Universe model are used for exhibiting this property. 

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